Why me?

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This does contain mention of suicide, please dont read if that stuff triggers you.
Also if you are thinking of committing suicide or someone you know is thinking of committing suicide talk to someone or call
116 123
It is a 24 hour service that can talk to you and give you an outlet for your feelings
Anyways, on with the story!

I feel the icy cold air hit my face as I stare at the water below me. I think back to this morning. The bruises on my face, neck and torso are not the worst injuries that I have ever received from our daily punching sessions.

My dad walks through the front door. Now our entire house reeks of alcohol. I hear him immediately stomp up the stairs to my bedroom. I know what will happen. He enters. 'Off your arse boy!' I obey. I shuffle towards him. 'How much homework did you do today?' He yells in my face.
'Dad, I didn't get told to do any for tomorrow.'
I brace for impact.
I feel his fist collide with the side of my face. It starts to burn. I rub it.
'If you have no homework to do,' he says carefully, ' WHAT DO YOU DO INSTEAD?'
'Housework...' I mumble. 'Speak up boy,'
'Housework.' I manage to say a little louder.
'Yes...' he says,'But you didn't did you?'
I shake my head.
'Look at me.'
I slowly look up into those cold gray eyes, placed below the bulging vein in his forehead.
I feel the fist connect with my ribs. Again and again. He leaves. I lie on the floor in agony.

I am taken back to the cool night air on my face. I sigh. I begin to remove my clothes. I am now only In my boxers. Opening my bag i remove the 2 bricks and the thick rope. Then I tie the bricks to my ankles. I climb over the railing and estimate the drop. Maybe 40 feet? I then start to think of the sorry note I left my best friend. No. Stop.


Th cold air is suddenly rushing past my face. I feel the freezing cold water hit my back as I did an accidental back flop. Oh no. My first thought: I hope no-one alerts the police. I dont even try to hold my breath as I get sucked deeper into the river. I watch the bubbles rise from my mouth and go darting upward, as if exited to be let free. Then the pain starts. A pain I have never felt before. Pain with no end. Then I feel the river bed collide with my heels. The jagged rocks cut and bruise me but I don't care. I've felt it all before.
I take a deep breath and wonder, how long will this take? I must have been in intense pain under the water for at least 5 minutes. Will I pass out? Will I just die? I am confused. I am in pain yet I won't die? Am I a freak of nature? Great. Somthing else to get bullied for. I scratch my head. Am I half fish? No.
Wait, the minute I thought that the pain stopped! I feel odd... different... special. Oh.My.Gosh. I grew gills. I'm half f*cking fish. Sh*t. I wanted to die. Maybe, just maybe I'm going mad because I'm about to die. I press my neck. Gills. I look at my toes. I have f*cking webbed feet.
I wish it would go away.
Aaaaah! The pain is back in full force, maybe I'll die? Ow I've been under water for half a f*cking hour I'm not gonna die am I. I release the bricks from my ankles. I begin to float up. I reach the surface and see the beginning of sunrise. I trudge up the mud bank and pick up my stuff. I then dress again and begin to wander home. 'I'll try again tonight' I say to myself. 'Maybe I dreamed it all...'

I hope you liked this!
This is my first book so
don't be too hard on me! I'll update if
I can but please
Dont heckle

714 words

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