Second and third attempts

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This contains mentions of drugs and suicide I am not promoting the use of drugs in any way if you are triggered by these things, please dont read this. Thankyou.

I am here again. The alley. The drug alley. It is my second time in this place. Surrounded by crap. Here he is. Long rough hair and deep gravelly voice, his face covered. I do to. Nothing to give away our identities. He clambers over to me and thrusts a bag of green capsules towards me. 'The cash.'
It was a statement not a request. I gave him the money.
'Good.' He walks off.  immediately I begin downing the capsules. Nothing happens. More capsules. I throw the now empty bag in the corner and slump to the ground. 'For gods sake....i hope I never wake up.' I moan as I fall asleep.
I woke up.

One week later

I will try once more. Once. I go to a field in the middle of a country side. I find a nice shady spot under a tree and sit there for a while and dwell. I've always been a dweller. When my mum was alive and my dad had a nice well paid job, I would stare into space. Then my mum would come over, stroke my hair and say, 'Darling you arn't dwelling are you? I've told you not to dwell!' And I'd shake my head and giggle. 'No mummy! I am not no dweller!' And she'd laugh. She had the most beautiful laugh. Like all the worlds sunshine in a single sound. Then she got cancer. I was 14 at the time so I knew what was going on. But she said she was gonna be okay. And I believed her. I remember that terrible day. She was all happy, and then, she was gone. She'd fought it for 3 years. Strong my mum. Never thought I'd have to live without her. I always thought she would be there for all the special moments in my life. I never even got to tell her I was gay.
I'm suddenly aware of the tears falling down my face. I decide to do it. I prepare my piece of gorilla tape. Here we go. I take deep breath and stick the tape over my mouth. 2 minutes later it starts to burn. 'Yes,' I think. Then I realise my chest is rising and falling and there's - no pain? But I taped my mouth and nose shut? Wait... theres a F*CKING MOUTH ON MY THIGH AND IT IS BREATHING FOR ME AND IT HAS TEETH AND  A TONGUE AND EWWW  I rip the tape off my mouth, and watch as the other mouth sinks back into my thigh. oh my God
What the f*ck


Hope u like it!
I try to update often but dont harass me in the comments


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