Chapter 9 ~ Perception

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I awaken in a few hours with the glow of the midday sun edging the curtains and pecking on my eyelids to open. As my brain reconnects the neuron synapses to communicate with the rest of my body, it informs me of the absence of arms that were enveloping me when I had first fallen asleep. I gently rolled onto my back and discovered Christopher sleeping on the pillow next to mine, his arms crossed over his chest and the most serene expression on his face like that of an angel.

As the back of my hand reaches to gently brush his cheek, his eyes fly wide open with a wild, frightened look embedded into his black coal sockets and his exposed teeth snarled automatically with a hiss spewing deeply from his throat.

I softly whisper, "It's okay Christopher. It is only me." Once his eyes returned to their normal color, they looked as though they were tearing up for reacting to my touch in such a manner. "You're just not used to having someone sleep beside you. It will get better, I promise. I'm going to take a shower, get dressed and venture out to perform some research. I'll be back later so we may catch dinner, okay?"

"Yes," he simply answers.

I pull the covers over his outstretched body and lovingly kiss lips and forehead."

After picking up my suitcase so as not to further disturb Christopher's sleep, I carefully pad naked through the darkened hotel room, nearly tripping over the coffee table on the way to the shower. While showering the sweat and sex that became exclusively our scent, I ponder something nice I could do for Christopher for when he awakens. Flowers? Wine? No, it would require him to awaken to answer the door. Something personal that I can leave behind.. No noise, no disruptions, just something heartfelt. A poem, perhaps.

I smile while gently washing the intimate parts that he deeply touched a few hours ago. Writing a poem will be tough. A rhyme naturally rolls off my tongue or fingers when I'm nervous. But it may be difficult to purposely put into words what I want to say, what I want him to remember from our time together, and what I hope will continue.

After drying away the soft water clinging to my skin and slipping into something comfortable for the day, I sit on the devan thinking to myself, "I've got to do this. I must tell him the things I need to say that he won't let me say. He must know how I feel, and he's afraid of not only my feelings, but his own. Whatever I write, it must reassure him that we can enjoy this time together. That we met for reason.

Drawing the pencil into my hand, I begin to write:

When on this journey I did set sail... To discover who I am in detail.. Ne'er once did I think a love would be found.. upon thine own ancestral ground.. A kindred soul in this world forlorn.. In your arms my life is reborn.. I walk around in the sun's pure light, while you inhabit the darkness of night. Each wishing to trade time in the other's shoes, we build a bridge drawing nearer our curfews. To others we may make quite an opposite pair, but fate put us together to share. To bring comfort to another lonely soul, adrift in this world with not an anchor to hold. I'm deeply sorry for the trouble I've made, but my debt ten fold will be repaid. For the only passions for me are two, exploring this world and being with you.

Lovingly yours,


I fold the piece of paper trifold so that it will stand on its own and write his name on the outside in big letters: "My beloved Christopher".Now where should I put it so that it will catch his eye.. hmmm..I got it! On top of his clothes, after I measure them of course for his size. He will need clothes to go out.

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