Chapter 3: The White Tiger Pirates!

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We finally made it to the shore of the island of Marines. This is where all Marines from all the surrounding islands come. This is the base in which protects what they call 'peace'? And so, the story of the White Tiger continues.


So, we're now surrounded by Marines. Yachi sprinted at them, I went in the opposite direction, which was left. I snuck and knocked them out. Yachi came back and said "They were protecting something, I heard them talking something about have a valued prisoner deep in the base. That was taken to their custody." Somehow I felt sympathy for this man.

"He's a pirate, we will go down as will the base!" I walked inside implying for him to follow. 

We walked through a wide hallway many marines came. I pointed to them implying that Yachi get's them, he ran and without further ado, he beat them all up. Yachi then asked "So, being lazy now Captain?"

"Nah, just not in the mood for it. And I'm dealing with memories, I won't be able to take it seriously." I replied seriously.

"No need for an answer, Captain, I was just joking." He implied.

"Let's go then." I said walking. My coat was flying, the arms of my jacket were flying because of the wind that was coming from the hallway. "Who's that?" I saw a man about the age of sixteen to twenty. He was holding a black sword. Once he swung it, the air turned black and the slash almost hit me.

"I am Taru!" He stated. "If you are in my path, begone!"

"Okay, let's make a bet."

"A bet?" He asked.

"On a fight."

"Okay?" He wondered.

"If I win, you will join my anti pirate and marine group."

"And if I win?" He asked.

"I you will kill me."

"You have quite the guts there, I am a man worth 50,000,000 berries!"

"Okay, let's begin." I took my hands out of my pockets.

"Dark Slash!" He held up his sword as if he were playing baseball and started sprinting. 

He was about three meters away from me, then he suddenly appeared in front of me ready to slash. I retaliated my punching him in the head and then said "You might want to be aware, I've been dealing damage to a dragon with a slight touch."

"Must be a weak dragon!" He replied.

I kicked him in the head, grabbed him by his head, I then saw how he looked. He had grayish-silver eyes, his hair was white. His skin tone was very pale. He looked like he was from West Blue. I asked, "Who do you think you are to be calling my master weak?!" in a very harsh and strong tone. I threw him at a wall, in order not to kill him I punched the wall, the entire hallway started to collapse. I then said "Join my crew!" With a jolly face.

"What are you?" He asked. "One second your angry, the next your smiling? But I tried to kill you" He wondered.

"Yes, you may have tried to kill me but, I forgive you."

"But I called your dragon weak" He wondered.

"That! I will never forgive!" I said in a strong and harsh voice.

"Your eyes, theyr'e so fierce. I would have none other as my captain!" Taru stated.

"Captain, it appears that they all are are on boats and ready to destroy the land." Yachi got up and pointed to the hole in the wall.

"Who?" I said looking at the hole in the wall.

"The marines" Taru stated before Yachi did.

"Okay, let's go raid them." I jumped out of the building and ran to the shore. Cannon balls were being fired at me instead of the building, I then said "I have you right where I want you."

"Two swords style: Black Hawk!" Taru cut a entire ship in half.

"Taru, come with me, Yachi go protect the ship. What's the point in beating them if we can't leave." I jumped on a navy boat and charged through them, I then kicked down the mast, I then kicked in the mast into air. I jumped up higher than it, then I kicked it down which hit the boat, and the boat sunk.

"Okay, captain." Yachi ran towards the boat kicking all the cannon balls that were shot in his direction.

"There's on more ship, Taru get them." I walked away.

"Why, I hate swimming." Taru stated.

"So? That's to far away for a devils fruit eater!" I walked towards the boat. To those words Taru ran on water by running on the wood that was broken off of the two ships. He then cut it using the same technique.

"Let's set sail." I told Yachi who was waiting for Taru. As soon as Taru came on board, Yachi picked up the anchor and set sail.


I looked up at a starry sky, and said "My life, it is now meaningless. I have no purpose."

"No Captain, you have a purpose, to destroy One Piece!" Yachi looked down from the mast, he actually did his night shift for look out. So, I remembered, I will put the world at balance. This is my purpose. So I looked at the starry sky and closed my eyes. "And also, guess what captain?"

"What?" I opened my eyes.

"Your bounty is now 70,000,00. Mine is 47,000,000. And Taru's bounty is-" Yachi started.

"Still 50,000,000." Taru walked out of his cabin.

"So, what is he called?" I looked up.

"Taru, the Night Blade. Your called The White Tiger. I'm called, Yachi. Boring. And we're all called The White Tiger Pirates."


Next Time on One Piece; The White Tiger: Docker, the man of Shipwreck Island.

and also check out one of my other stories codex the other world And Take over.and if you like this story follow me for more

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