Chapter 4: Docker, the man of Shipwreck Island

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Now that I have two members of our crew. I need more people, I need people with different abilities. And so, the story of the White Tiger continues.


"Yo, Yachi. What is the island we are heading to" I looked at him who was up at the mast.

"I am not your navigator so how should I know, I've never travelled, why don't you ask Taru." He looked at Taru who was awake. 

"So wait then I only have a swordsman and Yachi, in my crew then I'll need..." I started to count on my fingers. "Four men left and the other men who want to join my crew. Well... yeah."

Then Taru asked "What type of people do you need?"

"So since we don't have any one to guide us we need to get a navigator. Then a Ship maker or engineer. And a Doctor. And another person."

After that I remmebered something I found. "Yo, Yachi I found these behind some stuff in the cabin" I handed him some gloves with metal at the knuckles.

"Wait, those are my dads Iron Fist Thanks these were my dads they are iron fist gloves"


It has been about two weeks since we been able to find an island.  Then out of the blue Yachi shouted "What the heck!" He looked at Taru who was training with his two black swords. "Those are the Blade that represents darkness split into two."

"And if?" Taru said in a devilish voice.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"How would you split it in half? Isn't it already a half of a dual sword combination. But alone it is weak and unfortunate." Yachi ignored me

"What are you guys talking about!" I asked.

"Don't even say such a thing obout my swords?" Taru ignored me.

"If you guys ignore me one more time, I'll kill you all!" I sneered.

"So basically Taru has one of the devils weapons. The devils weapons are weapons that help the eaters of very strong fruits." Yachi explained.

"But my swords are only half of a demon weapon." Taru added.

"So when added together they become the devil weapon?" I asked.

"No, when added together they become the half." Yachi added,

"You totally lost me there." I added.

"So, there is another light element user. He or she uses only one sword. The sword of Life." Taru tried to puch Yachi out of the conversation.

"So- wait! I see land!" I interupted myself.

"Land Hoo!" Yachi shouted.

"Fool, our captain already said that." Taru stated out the obvious.

"I think we all know that." Yachi replied.

"You wanna fight." I overheard some fighting.


Suddenly I wasn't on the ship anymore, I saw the mark of Yin and Yang apear on the back of my hands. One was full of darkness, my right hand. And one was full of light, my left hand. Was this a dream? I then felt something weird and I past out.


"You ugly little!" Their rakket woke me up. I then saw a beautiful woman walking on water. Suddenly, both my hands started blowing like in the dream I just had.

"Taru, the was this girl, she had a sword and she was all fairy like and glowing." I asked Taru.

"If you mean who I think you mean, and the fact that those marks are on your hands. It means your our weilder, me and the woman you just saw. When your with your devil weapons, you gain in power drastically." Taru pointed out.

Suddenly they disappeared. The marks on my hands disappeared. "What happened?" I asked.

"She left." Taru stated.

"I can see that, anyways, I saw her walking on water. Is she an angel?" I laughed.

"Nope." He said bluntly. "She is a demon. A witch."

"So, tell me how she looked." Yachi laughed.

"She had very long, wavy, blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with one strong pointing upwards. Large green eyes, a slight child-like build. She wore frilly pink layered robe where a red ribbion tied in a bow is attached and appears to have wing like adornments around her ears. She was also bare foot." I smiled.

"Wow, you know a lot from one look." Yachi laughed.

"That's our captain, I would expect no less."

"Okay." Yachi looked around. " This is weird."

"Yes, we should have docked ages ago." I looked around, there was a strong mist.  The suddenly the ships was hit and smashed to bits.. It cut the boat we were in, in half. Wasn't much of an accomplishment. Our boat was a small fishing boat. The mist was gone suddenly.

"I'm sorry for that, I thought you guys were my enimies. Let me introduce my self, I am Docker. The one and only advanced and first made Pacifista!" As the mist cleared, he looked somewhat like a pirate. He had a traditional pirate hat. He was wearing a suit and suit pants but no shirt. Everything he wore was navy blue. 

"Join my crew!" Suddenly cannon balls flew in.

One of the cannonballs hit Yachi who was moaning as he got back up.One flew and was aiming for me and  him. I ran. He just grabbed it with his hands. "Not gonna happen on my island."

"Wow your strong, who do you think did this?" I looked back to see him holding a cannonball in his hand.

Then is suddenly crumbled. He then stated "Judging by the mark of the flag, it's the McFall Pirates."

"Who is the captain?" I asked.

"Her name is Falls.A.Mckenzie." He looked at me as if he was implying that I defeat them.

"So, she's a girl." I wondered.

"Why would I say her then? And go get them." He held up his hand at the boat. I looked and saw the marking of the skull. There was a skull with waves in the backround. 

"Why can't you?" I asked.

"It was a promise. I will not set off of this island until I make the best ship in the world. That only occurs when All Blue gives up so much sea stone. So, do that for me, and I'll join your crew." He walked away.

"Okay, but that will be hard. We also need a bunch of other people before we will be able to find it." Yachi stated.

"Okay, let's stop her then find the girl I saw." I ran to the boat. We boarded our ship and headed for the ship.

The closer we got, we soon recognized that we headed to a small fishing boat with five cannons. One in the front, one in the back. One was just there. Two facing sidways. "You must be Falls.A.Mckenzie" 

"And if?" She gestured.


(Authors Nore: Mckenzie's picture is there on the right)


Next time on One Piece; The White Tiger: Mckenzie the Wave User.

and also check out one of my other stories codex the other world and take over.and if you like this story follow me for more

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