We'll never be free until we end slavery!

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It was a normal day. Well, as normal as a day with a cabinet meeting with State Secretary Thomas Jefferson could start out. So far, Alexander Hamilton was in a good mood. He'd asked Washington permission to invite his friends Hercules Mulligan and John Laurens to the meeting. And, much to his pleasure, the president had agreed. Now, as he walked toward his place, Hamilton looked around the courtroom in an attempt to spot the other war veterans.


Hearing his name, Hamilton turned and quickly spotted Laurens beckoning to him from across the room, a grinning Mulligan at his side.

Hamilton padded over to the two former revolutionaries, "Well, if it isn't John Laurens and Hercules Mulligan." He greeted, cocking his head mischievously to the side.

"Hi, Alex." Laurens smiled in return, eyes shining softly.

"How've you two been?" Hamilton asked, trying to ignore the warmth spreading under his skin at the open affection in Laurens' green eyes.

Hercules shrugged. "Eh, the usual. Tailoring away all day, constantly stabbin' myself with sewing needles on accident 'cause I can't sew."

Alexander arched a brow at the former spy. "Liar."

"Whaaaaat? Nooooo!"

"Whaaaat? Yessss." Alexander retaliated. "You can sew. Very well."


Alexander rolled his eyes. "I give up with you. What about you, John? How're you?"

"Well, life's pretty great. That's all I can say now that the war's over."

Alexander nodded. "True. Well, I gotta go take my place, I don't want Jefferson to accuse me of being late and make a massive deal out of it... Just like he does everything else."

"Good luck, Alex."

Hamilton glanced back at Mulligan. "Thanks. Buuut, if everything goes

well, I'm not gonna be the one needin' luck."


Padding away from his friends, Alexander smiled at the anticipation in John's voice. His good mood quickly faded when he caught sight of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison glaring at him. They locked eyes, and Hamilton felt a spike of anger.

Jefferson smirked.

A low growl rumbling in his throat, Hamilton reached his place and sat down. You think you're so high and mighty, don't ya Jefferson? He snapped in his head. You think you've got it all? He grinned, teeth bared as if he were a wild animal. Nah. Then, he looked up at Washington and waited for the meeting to begin.

Washington rose from his seat behind the podium, causing the room to go quiet. He cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, you could've been anywhere in the world tonight; but you're here with us in New York City!" Cheers erupted from many places in the room, and the president gestured for them to quiet down. His face grew serious. "The issue on the table: A petition from a Quaker delegation in Philadelphia calling on Congress to end the African slave trade and abolish slavery, in all its forms."

This time, boos and sounds of protest and anger surged from all around. John's voice rang out among them. "AT LAST!"

Alexander grit his teeth. Oh, f**k off, slavers. You just don't want to do anything yourselves.

"Alright, enough! Hush!" Washington thundered. The room quieted, save for a few angry grumbles from the crowd. He continued. "This petition was written and signed by Benjamin Franklin. It cannot go ignored. If this comes to a vote in Congress, what is the White House's position?" He looked down at Jefferson. "Secretary Jefferson, you first." His eyes narrowed, "Tread lightly."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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