Chapter VI: Newcomer

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Everybody froze the second they heard the new voice, their gazes wondered towards the man that stood in front of the larger man from before. His hand was gripping the wrist of the mad father with strength that could probably break it.

His back was turned against me showing off his clean buttoned white shirt, his article of clothing was definitely a  strange one to see in place like this. Perfectly washed shirt and pair of dress pants, in his left hand was a large black colored jacket that seemed to be made of the same fabric as his pants. Over all his clothes looked more... how do I say this...



Let's go with that, he was more elegant than rest of people in this place showing that he either was someone important or coming from more rich family.

Yet as everybody he had one defining feature, pair of what I think are horse ears on top of his head. They were black in color, matching his messy hair that was combed backwards. Over all he was masculine and older looking. I can say that he is around thirty at least, maybe twenty seven but that's only my guess.

Back on track

He was holding the other guy by hand really tightly, every body could see it by the pained look that spread across the lips of the fat dad over there. Seems like the guy doesn't like this behavior.

"Care to explain your doings Joseph?"

Serious tone seep out of his voice, shiver was send down the spine of Joseph as he stared in the eyes of this monster before him. His form was much larger and more intimidating then he could ever imagine, he was simply standing...

But he was doing it Menacingly

Large shadow looming over the ground was giving him even better effect

"I-I w-was just talking to him chief! Y-Yeah talking!"

His face quivered with each word spoken, sweat poured down from his brows as he tried to retain the eye contact with the newcomer. His knees looked ready to give out at any second making me raise a brow to why was he so scared.

Sure the man was intimidating but from his body language and words he used I can feel that he isn't going to beat the guy to death. Mostly he would just give him a light scare but that didn't look like it.

Joe was ready to fucking book it! Knees buckling under his sudden gain of weight, as if the gravity was shifting around him. With most of his strength put in the legs he couldn't move properly making him unable to move out of the way of the attack was send his way.

His eyes were filled with fear and nothing else, there was no pride like before just straight up terrifying fear that crawled up his fat spine. Like rabbit staring in to the mouth of hungry wolf, frozen in fear as death neared to his soul ready to rip it out of his chest.

"Really now? I could swear that I saw you hold the kid in the air with your fist ready to punch his face."

Looking down on Joseph the new man neared his face closer to the terrified man, his eyes I think are glaring at him.

"So which one was it?"


Before a answer could be given the kid from before marched his way towards us, his form full of anger. Slamming his fat foot on the ground he almost slipped but balanced himself by some miracle and stood next to his scared father.

"That mutt bit me! It should be taught a lesson and not Dad!"

He sighed in annoyance at the pissed boy, crouching down to his level he pointed his finger at the bloody arm of the kid.

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