Chapter Four: Chaos

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James just got back after a long day of work at the department just in time to look forward to the food his wife made for him. Of course it contained the usual proteins to repair his muscles with his usal routine of hitting the gym after work.
'Good to see you back dear! Angel replied.
'Yeah. This case is a really interesting one too' James answered as he ate the chicken.
'Oh really. What is it about this time?' Angel asked in curiosity.
'Im working on the case on the Killer of Couples' James replied.
Hearing that Angel just dropped the glass she was holding in fear.
'Darling he or she sounds really dangerous though. How will you uncover her identity?!' Angel asked.
'Tommorow Im going to see a barber to check if they can give a good idea on the hair style of the strip of red hair we found at one of the crime scenes' James answered with hope.
'Oh that's lovely to hear, James!' Angle. cheered as she kissed his cheek and walked up to bed. James later on joined her for a nice rest.
Ellie arrived at James's house and broke in through the garden smashing the window silently. Ellie creeped up the stairs to get rid of the detective. Why is she going to murder a male when she always kills the female partner to emotionally torture them? Overtime murder slowly consumed and took control of Ellie. Ellie started to kill random innocents even if they were single or a male. Ellie enjoyed the kills she commited it came to the point where Henry was buried in the back of her brain. It felt like the knife would be the one controlling Ellie corrupting her like the deathnote corrupting Light Yagami.
Ellie went into the bedroom to kill James.
Ellie then went to a maniac laughter as she slowly got the blade closer and closer to James. James heard the laughter and used quick reactions to knock the knife out of Ellie's hand. Angel soon woke up.
'Shiiii...' Ellie was about to cuss as James got out of bed to tackle her to the ground.
Ellie then managed to reach for her knife to stab James. Ellie did not realise how strong James was. Ellie then tried to fight back his tackle but then Angel came to assitance and stomped Ellie's head over and over until she couldnt bleed no more. Ellie grabbed Angel's foot and made her slip distracting James just enough to give Ellie the chance to escape the household. Ellie then got shot in the leg by the time she escaped.
'Damn it, James must have called reinforcement' Ellie thought. Ellie struggled to fight the pain of the bullet dug into her leg. Ellie gave a loud cry.
Ellie started to shake as she moved but she noticed there were only two officers and she immediately kicked them both to the floor. Ellie yapped their car keys and hijacked one of the cars. The officers immediately started shooting the tires as Ellie drove. Ellie then crashed the car and fell hard in the middle of the road. Ellie then got hit by a car severely injured. Ellie coughed up even more blood. The person who hit Ellie turned out to be Jennifer. Jennifer grabbed Ellie and smashed her head to the hard concrete.
'This is what happens when you kill Charles!!!' Jennifer yelled as she hurt Ellie more than neccessary.
Ellie and Jennifer both got shot with a tranquliser dart each both collapsing.
'We gotta take the two for interrogation' James ordered.

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