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Today is the day.

Right after dinner last night at April's, Donnie was already planning what kind of tests he should perform with Osa. Now that he knows more about her abilities, such as shifting different parts of her body, he wants to dig deeper. He had so many theories about her existence. Well, of course, she was created in a lab, but this means there is a different mutant-like species able to roam this earth with such power!

He had a bunch of paper and pens on his desk, everything he had available to record the upcoming observations. He had crumbled up sticky notes, he was already missing important pieces of his work, and he lost about three pens in the span of five minutes.

He just hoped there wouldn't be any trouble today. When it came to his special friend, he didn't want to stress her out with everything.

Now, he patiently waited for April to get off work.


Above the surface, Miss O'Neil and a great friend of hers, Vern were wrapping up a story in Times Square. She had a great smile on her face and to this day, her cameraman still had the hots for her. Knowing himself, he had a massive feeling he wouldn't be getting a fat chance with April. She's out of his league. "This is April O'Neil with Channel 6 News." She smiled, turning off her microphone and Vern turned off his camera. "Another day finished." April says, walking past him and making her way to the van.

At this time of day, it was getting darker and this meant it was time to wrap it up.

"Yup!" Vern says, looking over his shoulder. "You got any plans tonight?"

"I was going to help Donnie with Osa." April replied, setting her mic down and putting on her jacket.

"There a reason for that?" He asked, carrying the expensive piece of equipment to the back of the open doors of the van.

April nodded. "We think Osa has more power than we imagined."

"Oh, really? How so?" He carefully takes apart the camera and secures it in the back of the van.

"It's hard to explain. You're free to come with me if you want." She leaned on the vehicle with her hands inside her pockets.

"Oh, no. No, thanks." Vern shook his head. "I think I might just go home, and head to bed." He says, putting a hand on his hip.

"Oh," April says, understanding his decision. "Okay. I'll see you later, then?"

"Yeah, of course." Vern said, shutting the double doors of the van. "Oh, are you free tomorrow?"

"Maybe. Why?"

"Maybe we can go get some coffee. Catch up...you know?" He waited patiently for an answer. Vern hoped April would agree with his idea since he liked her so much. Again, he had a feeling he wasn't going to get a chance, but it never hurt to try.

"We'll see." She replied with a smile, leaving Times Square and setting her route to the lair.


Since the entire mutant family and April know of Osa's abilities maturing, they thought it was an excellent idea to start testing them. It's basically the only way to see what she can do with them.

Donatello had a GoPro cam on his right shoulder, the red light blinking which indicates it is recording. He had a notebook in his hand and a pencil in the other.

By the way, he looks much cleaner with pants, suspenders, and not so much gear on him like a pack mule. Now that he can breathe with fewer things on his person, he clears his throat while looking over his notes. "We need to test your senses..."

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now