Chapter 5

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3rd pov
" yeah I honestly have no idea why they wouldn't tell you I don't understand what the big deal is if you know who your parents or not" Yuko rolled his eyes as he said this

"But anyway let's go back inside so they can question me and try and make me tell them why I know what I know"

As they went back inside Naruto was still thinking

Naruto's pov (thinking)
Why wouldn't they tell me who my parents where jiji knew all along so was he ever going to tell me. If they knew why didn't they tell the civilians because if they did I wouldn't have gotten beaten I would have had friends and everyone wouldn't look at me like I'm a monster

Can I even trust them anymore?

Back to 3rd person
"Now I need to talk to Sakura but I'm just going to say what I need to say In front of everyone else since what I have to tell you is no secret"

"Well whatever you have to tell me I don't care" Sakura said like she thinks that she's the boss of everyone

" whatever, I'm gonna tell you anyways you need to stop acting like you're a boss of everyone stop being a goddamn fan girl no one cares about you you are Shinobi act like one you are an embarrassment to the Shinobis (what do you call girl ninjas?) no one is going to help you if you freeze up in a fight because you're too scared and you have to stop hitting Naruto he is your teammate one day he's going to be gone you'll never know it"

She looked down because she knew that what he was saying was true and that she needs to stop acting how she's acting because she wanted to be a shinobi

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