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Daniels little brother👆

<Sam park pov>
"Oh my gosh what just happened" I said running away "OMO" I Said breathing heavily I was still bright red he just kissed me and I liked it I thought
<At Sam parks house>
I was sitting at my desk doing my homework when I thought about earlier and smiled "well I mean he is a good kisser to be honest" I said aloud "stop it, okay now I need to focus on my work I have an exam tomorrow"
1 hour later
"OMO it's all ready 1:00 o'clock wow it's late but I have to stay up and finish studying" I said with a sleepy smile on my face while I was scratching my head.
<the next day>
"Ok sister how do you think I did on the on the exam,be honest bad,good,maybe" I said really stressed out "you did great Sam I just know it you have been studying for weeks now, you did good trust me" my sister said with a Pleasant smile on her face "okay I'll believe you" I said with worried eyes just then I heard a familiar voice behind me "I bet you did great you look like you've been up for hours studying and stuff, so you did good" I turned around and saw Daniel right there in front of my face. my eyes widened, my mouth opened in shock "w-what did you say" I said while I gulped
<Daniel smith pov>
"I said you did good" I said with a nervous smile. I just lost my confidence when he started talking just the way he talks makes me want to die I thought " oh he said w-well thanks for that positive feedback" he said with the most beautiful smile ever. I blushed as I looked down "your welcome" I said trying to be charming with a smile "okay this is awkward" his sister said "I'm going to leave now okay" said while putting up the okay sign with her hands I nodded and waved "bye" I said as I walked closer to Sam "um-um Iam sorry for the awkwardness I'm not usually like this. I'm only this around people i like" I said shyly he looked up just that moment and it felt like me and him were the only ones in the room staring into each others eyes he snapped his head away looking shy but I got so lost in his big brown eyes that I couldn't say a thing "um I better go then, BYE" he said with a smile then walked away and all I could say was "WOW"

<Daniel smith diary entry>
Dear Diary, 1/21/15
Today I saw Sam again it was wonderful just like I had imagined in my day dreams about him. I want to see him more but I can't I don't know what to do. I really like him but how can I tell him that NOW, I don't know. well then I'll just have to wait for the next coincidence to come around ill confess to him THEN. YEAH

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