We Just Want To Have Fun!

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A/N: Hello cheesecicles! This is for mandylaren23! Hope you enjoy!


The turtles sighed to themselves as they walked to the dojo. It was time for training, just like every other day. They were used to it.

After all, they've been training all their lives.

It wasn't that the turtles didn't like training or being ninjas, they loved it.  It's just that they wanted to act their age for once and not have to train or protect the city or fight robots.

Splinter smiled, greeting his sons as they entered the dojo and took their spots on the patterned rug beneath them. "Ohayōgozaimasu, my sons."

The turtles grinned a little. "Hai sensei...ohayōgozaimasu." They didn't seem as chipper as usual, and Splinter noticed this right away.

"Are you all feeling alright? You do not seem like yourselves." He asked. The turtles nodded. "We're uh...we're fine sensei..." Raph answered.

Splinter wasn't convinced. He knew when something was bothering his sons. He had a feeling that something was up, and he was determined to find out what was troubling his sons.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" Splinter asked casually, leaning on his jade staff as Leo cleared his throat. "Uh, well...um..."

"We want to act our age!" Mikey blurted out as the other three turtles sighed and nodded. "Hai sensei...we uh...we want to act our age." Leo said.

Splinter hummed. "What do you mean by that?" He questioned. Donnie sat up. "Well, we're 15...and we're always training or patrolling."

Splinter nodded. "Yes...because you are ninjas." He said matter-o-factly. Leo sighed. "We know sensei, but we've spent our whole lives training and practicing." He said softly.

"And don't get us wrong, we love being ninjas and training and protecting the city and all..but we could kinda use a break." Raph added.

Splinter hummed. "So you are saying that you want to have a day off to relax? To act your age? Like teenagers?" He asked. The turtles nodded. "Hai sensei!"

Mikey grinned. "So...can we?" He asked. Splinter hummed again, stroking his goat-ee in thought. "Well...yes." The turtles cheered.

"And no." Splinter added a moment later, making the turtles groan. "I hate when he does that!" Donnie muttered.   They all looked down and sighed.

Then, Leo stood up. "Sensei, we know you're trying to make is stronger and stuff, but after everything that's happened, we need a break."

Splinter was about to say no when the other turtles stood up too. "You don't know what we've been through!" Raph snapped suddenly.

"Yeah, we've fought the Kraang, the wasps, the squirrelenoids, we took down rat king, and beat the Foot can!" Donnie said quickly.

"And we got our shells kicked around more times then we can count!" Mikey added. "We need this! We just want to have fun for once!"

Splinter was about to say something, but Leo cut him off. "We never got to really enjoy childhood or live a normal teenage life!"

The other turtles chimed in. "Yeah, and we never asked to live this life, having to grow up so fast, and deal with all this stuff!" Raph snapped.

The rest of the turtles agreed with a mumble. "We just want to act like teenagers...to have fun for once and not have to fight or train...just for a day, even." Donnie said softly.

The turtles then gave Splinter the puppy faces. Let's just say he was a bit stunned. He was definitely not expecting his sons to say that.

He sighed, gesturing for them to sit down as he sat next to them. "My sons...forgive me, you are right...you never did have an average life, and you do go through a lot..."

The turtles nodded. "We love what we do sensei, but we've been through an much already and just need to take some time to relax." Mikey said.

Splinter nodded. "Yes, you are right Michealangelo..." He then paused. "I never thought I would say that." The turtles chuckled lightly at that.

Splinter hugged his sons. "I am sorry, my sons, I really am...I should have noticed that you all needed a break from everything, I should have acknowledged that much sooner."

The turtles hugged back. "It's fine father." They smiled a little, happy that their sensei finally understood what they have been going through.

Splinter smiled a little. "You may act your age, if you wish." The turtles cheered. "Training is postponed for the week." Splinter added.

The turtles grinned. "Thank you father!" They hugged Splinter tightly. "You are welcome...now go have fun!"

The turtles grinned and ran off to have some fun, happy to act their age for once. Splinter smiled and watched them, happy that his sons were happy.

A few minutes later, Leo was watching Space Heroes, planning on binge-watching it. Raph was reading some old comics, Donnie was building, and Mikey was playing video games. They were all grinning.

Soon all four boys were laughing, truly having fun as they pranked each other and just let loose, taking the time to relax like they wanted.

Splinter watched from the shadows with a smile, shaking his head in amusement as he watched his boys laughing and joking around.


A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you enjoy the oneshot! I love the moments with Splinter and the turtles in the show! The turtles have been through a lot and need a break! Who agrees?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you enjoy the oneshot! I love the moments with Splinter and the turtles in the show! The turtles have been through a lot and need a break! Who agrees?

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