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July 9th 2014

Back to school today, the mixed emotions swirling through my mind as i try to build up the courage to get out of the comfortable bed, here i am writing in this journal like someone is listening but i know nobody is. I'm worried about seeing Calum today; he hasn't spoken to me since the beginning of summer, the constant fear that my steady boyfriend is cheating only sends me onto a path of insecurity that only I and I alone can face. Anyway moms shouting me, so I'm going to make an effort to get up today. Zara xx

The warmth of the bed concealed me from the diminishing day ahead, it kept a tight bubble around the vast complications of my life and i don't think i could cope. 6Am is a horrible time to be awoken, but i had to get back into routine, the freezing early morning showers, watching the clock every five minutes to make sure i didn't miss the bus. Slumping my journal onto the bedside unit i replaced it with my phone, looking to see i had a number of missed texts and phone call, three hundred odd texts from my friends, one being from Calum, one from the mass of hundreds that read

Miss you x

The pain rippled through my body, the boy i love couldn't even bother with me in the slightest until now, today would be awkward.

"Zara you have approximately one hour, get your lazy ass out of bed" My dad begins his roll call causing me to escape the confides of me bed, shrugging the crisp white covers from my body, fixing my hair into a messy bun before i begin my morning routine.

The school board allows students to express themselves by wearing their own clothes instead of uniform, for some it's a chance to express their lifestyles, others in a chance to express who they are, I honestly couldn't care. I'm quite reserved and contemporary with my style of clothing, i wore black skinny jeans with a slim fitted white lace shirt, and my makeup was simple yet effective, dark and enhancing. By the time i had finally readied myself it was almost 7am so i had time for a quick breakfast before catching the bus.

I slumped my brown leather bag over my left shoulder before commencing out into the dim street; the grey clouds hovered over a colourful neighbourhood, dampening the vibrancy. Mondays where always boring, the bus driver would be late as always due to his extensive drinking lash at the weekend, my neighbour Michael would usually get the bus at the stop but over the summer he passed his driving test meaning his absence would be a frequent occurrence.

The bus finally arrived after about twenty minutes, the rusted old yellow doors screeched open as the machine came to a halt, a familiar face stared at me with tired eyes wearing the same tattered blue uniform

"Morning Z" he greeted me as i stepped onto the bus, most of the seats had been occupied by students i knew, sitting next to a boy called Ashton, he was nice, kinda cute but not really my type

"Hi Z, how was your summer?" he asked shuffling in his seat to face me

"Um rather uneventful, yours?" i quiz back

"Cool, partied a lot, got drunk a few times and maybe met someone" he blushed as the bus began to move slowly passing my house in the process

"Who's the unlucky girl?" I tease, giggling at him

"Shut up, her name is Lauren"

"My best friend Lauren" I gasp

"Yeah that lauren" he smirked devilishly

"did you hook up" I pry

"If she wants to tell you she will" he chuckled as the bus pulled up outside the old rustic building, with floods of people scattered along the gardens, the sign plastered above the main gaits "West Field High" this was my last year in high school and i wasn't going to waste a second of it.

I walked with Ashton into the garden area at the front of the school before being greeted by my friend Caitlin, she was blonde with adorable blue eyes, her stature short but still beautiful,

"How are you?" she squeaks as we enter a hug

"Fine i guess, not heard from Cal since the beginning of summer" I sigh

"Im sure he has a reason, look here he is now" she chirps causing me to turn to face him. He walked towards me wearing his usual black skinny jeans with a black band tank top

"Hey baby" he smirks crashing his lips to mine

"Where have you been? You didn't call or text me" I pry as he pressed his forehead to mine

"Holiday with the family, we couldn't get reception babe sorry" he pouted as the bell ran signifying first period

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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