The first night...

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That first night I sat on the steps of the warehouse, if you could call them that.  They looked like they were older than the building.  Looking up at the stars bright in the sky. Every one of them represented another question. Going from one to the next, listing those question.  Hoping to come to a question I knew the answer to.  After searching through the right side, maybe the left would find a answer. 

Why did this happen?  Who am I?  What am I?"  The questions rolled.  I have no idea what time it was, and it seemed I wasn’t going to work tomorrow.  Helena or crazy hag lady, said i needed to stay there, and learn stuff.  She had gone on and on, it was too much to remember.  Something about magic, yes real magic.  I guessed that after the bat shit crazy things that had happened last night i should believe the woman.  My brain doesn't want processing everything as it should. 

1. Helena could control her mind at will.  2. Magic is real!  Should that have been number one?  3. (Her parents weren’t her real parents. They were but they had hidden their real selves from her, the world her whole life.) I have no idea why I'm really here.

Looking at the shining balls of gas in the sky . Trying to picture “doing” magic.  Is that how you say it?  Do you "do" magic?  I'll have to ask Paige. )Since I had no real clue what real magic is , it was even harder.)

(Next thing I know) Court is carrying me inside.  “What?”  I ask trying to understand what is going on.  My sleepy mind is thick with fog.

“You fell asleep outside.  It isn’t really safe to do that.  You should tell me next time.”  His body shakes mine with his deep laugh. 

“How do I know I'm going to fall asleep?  I was asking the stars questions, then I was being lifted to the Moon. “  That comment sent me shaking again.  He is going to drop me, I should get down.  For some reason I just want to hold him tighter and rest here awhile.  I guess I said so, or he is reading my mind.

“You take all the time you need.  I will always be here.”  His hold tightened on me. 

That night I dreamed of a man, holding me, loving me.  It wasn't me, but it was.  So weird.

Has I slowly come to, the f-ing light it is trying to blind me, and my eyes are still closed. Guess its morning this time.  Flashes of Court holding me to his warm body come to mind.  Was I really in that man's arms last night.  I wish hope I didn't do anything embarrassing, like fart.  Ok, that is a little funny.  I still hope I didn't. 

Journal entry

Helena thinks I should write in this journal everyday.  In the morning I'm supposed to write down any dreams I remember, and at night my "thoughts" on the day.  Really what am  I 12?  Around here I feel like I am sometimes.  I see something I thought was impossible everyday. 

I will say that I got several shocks this week.  In the week I have been here I have learned magic is real  I can’t do any but OMG, it is so weird.

Court seems to be very strong in it.  On the third day  he said he couldn’t hold back anymore.  He started acting “normal” again.  Whatever that means.  It means he is really lazy and uses his powers to do anything he can.  Like move things.  He never  picks anything up but his weights.  I think this is so stupid, he spends his life eating and lifting weights, but he can't go to the other room and get a bowl.  He just poofs it in front of him.. I almost crapped myself the first time.  I dont think I will ever get use to it.  

The one thing I wouldn’t write is that I think Paige is very jealous of Court’s control of magic.  She doesn’t seem to have the “kind” of magic he does.  I guess it would piss me off too.  She has spent years studying, and he can just do it.  Sucks. 

I have come to really like Paige.  Yes, she is so different from me.  She is so smart and focused, nothing like me.  She can spend days in the library learning about , whatever.  I get tired after 30 minutes.  That seems to be my time limit for anything.  30 minutes after I start something I am mentally moving on. 

I guess I have learned a lot about myself in the few days I have been here.   I have a 30 minute attention span and I have no idea who I am.  That ‘s the one that gets me.  When that witch walked by me the other day, I thought I knew it all.  Yes, life was boring and I was getting restless, but at least I was stable in my own self.  Now, I feel like I am floating

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