A/N - 3

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What have I changed and why?

1) The POV is now first person from Hermione:
I felt like I would be more inclined to write in first person, because its more natural to me than third person. I myself am a girl, so its easier for me to write girls POVs, so Hermione was an obvious choice.

2) How they meet:
I looked up some basic plots and storylines for romance novels, before settling on what I have now, I thought it would make more sense for it to be like this, instead of me just writing and making it up as I go along.

3) Rosalie and Draco's relationship:
I didn't really like them in the first place. I only added Rosalie to moativate me to write more often, but she's apart of the story now. I made them cousins so she would still be a prominent part of the story whilst not being too big a threat to the happy couple!

4) Blaise?
I wanted to make Draco seem more isolated, like a lone wolf, and that obviously meant he couldn't really have any close friends, because then my plot wouldn't make much sense, so I unfortunately had to pretty much erase Blaise from this. Don't worry, he'll still be in there, just not as much as before.

5) Updates...
I can't guarantee regular updates, but I can say that I will try to update more often than I was! Hopefully because of some of the previously listed changes, I will be more inclined to update this! This has meant however, that this story has been unpublished for the time being, just while I work on it some more!! Don't worry, it will be back!!!

Thank you all for being so patient with me, I really appreciate it!!
Happy Halloween and Stay Safe
- Author

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