The past is behind us.

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it was about a year ago when our parents died in the same car crash, but the pain is still felt when our bones ache.

Oh, hi I'm Alex, this is Sabena, Kaila, and Debbie.

"Our parents were heading out for a night on the town, when they slide on a piece of ice, and fell of the Venice, strait into the ocean. " responds Sabena in her Italian accent that all of us have.

Kaila opens her mouth in responses but nothing comes out.

" As usuall Ms.Kaila never talking." replies Debbie in a snotty Germain accent.

All of us were born in Europe, Sabena and I were both born in the same Hospital on the same day, in Italy; Debbie was born in Germany ( I don't know where), and Kaila was born in France.

Sorry we got off track, the car crash.

It was a beautiful day the sun in our eyes, and the smell of Italian food bursting through our noses, as we played in the Garden of my Mashion.

" I'm open!" I yelled as we played football in the yard, I kick the ball to her.

" Alex, SHOOT!" Screamed Debbie.

" No, you won't." whipeared Kaila in a mouse voice, nervous to talk, I assume.

" Girls, diner!" exclaimed my maid.

" Okay, were coming."

" Have fun tonight, Carol will take care of you, we'll be back by one a.m the latest." Our parents shouted through an open window of a limo.

The ground was icey, and on there way back we got a call at one a.m sharp.

" It's from the hospital, I must be late for an oppointment." I said as I picked up the phone.

All I remember was clasping to the floor, screaming and crying, "NO, NO!!!" Carol put the phone on speaker, and tried comfort me, because she knew what had happened.

" I'm sorry girls, your parents got into a car crash, we found their bodies in the ocean, their gone." the operator explained with a sigh.

We hung up the phone, everyone calapsted on top of me, sobbing, and fell asleep our eyes red and puffy from crying.

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