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The mom is played by Holly marie Comb who played Piper in Charmed. I loved Piper, she was my favorite witch. Her powers were freezing time and making things explode. 

I walked into a field that was field with trees. "Cars, Cars" I heard someone say my name. I looked around but all I saw were trees. Then out of no where I saw a kid who looked like he was about six mabey. He ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug. When he hugged me I flet a oddley familiar. "Cade" I said in shock. The boy looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah, I figured out my power, I can make people se what I want them to see" Cade said still hugging me. "Where are you" I asked remembering what happened. "I - dont know but they're hurting me." He said. I wanted to tell him to hold on but I suddenly felt cold. I looked around and Cade was gone. When I blinked I was now in my room lying on my bed.

I steped onto the floor and looked around. The silence in the house was deafening. I started walking out of my room. My mom scared the magic out of me when she ran to me with a spell book. "Carson I need you and Carly to help me set a protection spell on the house while we go get Cade" My mom said as Carly and Calum walked behind her.  "Ok kids you ready" Mom said while sitting the book down. I looked at the latin words on the page of the book and we all read it aloud. Protege domum  we all said. I could feel the magic flying around our house. "Ok ready to go" I said fixing my shirt. "We don't even know where to go." My mom said seceptically. "I found where they are honey" I heard my dad call from down stairs. We all walked down stairs and sw my dad hanging his coat up. "They are in some kind of factory near the woods but I dont know how to get there. "I'll deal with that everyone follow me" Calum said as he went into the backyard.

"What are we doing Cal" I asked him. " you'll see" he said the blew out of his mouth,  LIGHT blue smoke came out and traveled into the forest. About twenty seconds later a giant group of birds flew to the ground infront of us. "Did you guys see some people take a baby from this house" Calum asked nicely. One of the birds started tweeting and Calum gave an understanding look. All the birds then stook off in the sky and saterted going east. " Everyone follow them " Calum said before a tornado appeared at his feet making him fly. I opened the palm of my hand and a black plate formed at my feet, I lifted my hand and the plate started to float. My mom then hopped onto the plate with me and we started flying after the birds. The scenery would have been peaceful if I wasnt iching to kill every person in that building. After about ten minuets of flying the birds landed at the roof of a familiar looking building. Calum landed nd the tornadoe disapeared. I then lowered my hand and the plate went to the ground. Soon after Carly and my dad appeard next to us breathing kind of heavy. "How did you guys get here" Calum asked. "We ran" My dad said walking over to my mom. "But how did you get here so fast" Calum said sounding kind of dumb founded. "Super speed" Carly said with a well duhh atitude. "Ok before we have to explain what we are going to do we need a plan" My mom said. "Me Carly and Calum will go in through the roof, Mom you and dad can take out those gaurds in the front first." I said looking over the building 

"OK lets go" My dad said. He grabbed my mom's hand and they started running to the building. Two gaurds were walking around but stopped when they saw them coming. ,Mom threw out her hands and one of the men exploded. "Whoa" Calum said in awe. Dad ran to the other man an punched him in his chest, when he pulled his arm back he was holding the man's heart. "OK go" I said. We sprinted to where mom and dad were but they had already gone into the building. "We go through the roof, we fight fast and hard" I said as we stopped on the side of the building. I put a plate at our feet and made it float along with us. While we were on the roof an idea came to me. "Carly do you think you can use you Telepathy and Emapthy to scan for Cade" I asked hopefully. "I can try, give me a sec" Carly said before closing her eyes in concentration. I created a light staff and did a practice swing at the air. "ok I found him he is under the building in somekind of basement" Carly said. "Is there a way we can get in without being noticed" I asked aloud to no one in particular. "Intangible spell" Calum and Carly said at the same time. Ambulare per murum Carly said, we all then dropped from the cealing. We hit the ground with loud thumps, I however landed on someone. I looked around the dark room and made a ball of light. 

The brightness burned my eyes for a second but they adjusted. I stood up and lifted the person I fell on, it was a girl, she had red hair and a face full of freckles. I drug her to a dark corner that even my light ball didnt get. "OK he should be about twenty feet that way, but I think that there are some people coming" as soon as she said that. Some men came running into the room with guns. "Put your hands up and no one will get hurt." One man said. We all put our hands up above our hands. "Well well well look who we have her, we have the lengendary Jax siblings" I heard a familiar voice say. All the men parted like the red sea and in walked that guy who tried to kill me and take my power not to long ago. My body tensed up at the sight of him. "Why do you even try I beat you before and I can beat you again" I said scared. "Wait you had an encouter with him, so did I" I heard Carly say. "It is true I have gone after all three of you to steal your powers, but I've got my own powers from your little friend Taylor, along with some other ones I picked up" The boy said he then swung his fist and a plasma ball shot out hitting the wall. 

Cars, I have a telepathic link made between the three of us. What are we gonna do. I heard Carly's voice in my head say. I looked towards her and she gave me a reasuring nod to verify that it was her. You and Calum can take care of the men, I'll handle this little pest. I said.

We then all launched for the men.

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