Chapter 2 - 4 Hours Reminiscing

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Danielle's pov

It's 10 o'clock in the evening. I'm blankly staring at the ceiling. I can't get myself to sleep.

I'm still thinking about Jess and Alex.

I think I miss them. A lot, actually. They are my best friends; well, they're more like a sister to me. And it would be so nice if I could see them again.

I'm still pre-occupied by the thought of them when my phone beeps. I roll over on my bed and pick it up off the bedside table. I check my screen and there's a message from him.

" Sleep already? "
" Yes. I'm fast asleep. " I typed the message and sent.

Then my phone rings. He's calling.

" Oh..."

I sat down on my bed and lean on the head board. I stare on the screen. This is becoming a habit of mine.

Then I decided to take his call.

" Hello? "

" I thought you wouldn't answer..."

" Why not? "

" Because..."

" Because what? "

" Nothing. You go to sleep now. You need to be early tomorrow. Bye. "

And he end the call abruptly without waiting for my reply. I am a bit confused about him but I didn't think any of it.

I decided to lay on my bed again and stare on the ceiling.

It's been a long time since I've run away. And I missed those days. I wish that everything was just like how it used to be. Before... everything went wrong. When we were together. We were all happy then, weren't we?

I close my eyes tightly hoping to get some sleep. It's not working very well. All the thoughts keep circling in my head. The past has no right to haunt me cause I refused to be haunted at all.

But now, I let my mind get drifted back from when it all started.

* Flashback *

The graduation has ended and I'm busy preparing for my 18th birthday. I'm looking at the beautiful gowns on a catalog and trying to find something that I like. I look through every single one of these dresses and I don't really know what I want or what kind of clothes would suit me.
In the middle of searching, my Mom came home and dropped a bomb.

" You're getting married. " she said with a wide smile.

I slowly tear my eyes from the catalogue and looked at her with disbelief.

" Come again, Mom. What exactly did you say? " when all I really want to ask is WHAT THE FVCKING HELL DID SHE SAY EXACTLY!

" You're having your wedding. Next month. " said Dad flatly.

" You're kidding, right? "

I smiled bitterly. How could they do this to me?

" We're not, my dear. " said Mom.

I tried to make myself calmed as much as possible.

" And who's the... ( son of a b*tch is all I want to say ) ... the guy? "

" Billy Sanchez of Sanchez Electronics. "

It doesn't make sense; it just doesn't.

" Why are we marrying each other? " I asked.

" For the money " said Dad as a matter of fact.

And I lost it.

I shouted angrily as my eyes began to water.

Mom stared at me speechless.

" No way in hell! " I shouted even louder than before.

My mom quickly walked towards me and tried to calm me down by hugging me tightly.
Dad sighed deeply as he walked towards us.

" Look, Danielle, this is for the good of the family. " said Dad calmly as he put his hand on my shoulder. " This will help you out financially. "

Ha! This will help me? In what fvcking way?

He looked into my eyes, hoping to persuade me into the marriage. But I simply shook him off my shoulders.

" No, no, no! I won't marry that *sshole! " I shouted.

" And who do you want to marry? That good-for-nothing b*stard? " Dad said angrily.

I froze.

" Yes, dear, we know about your relationship with John Alcaraz. " my Mom said as she stopped hugging me.

" Don't you know that he's just fooling you? He just wanted our money! "

" How could you say that? ( You're the one who loves money! I really want to say this but I still want to respect him ) We love each other and he will never ever hurt me! "

" Keep on dreaming Danielle, but our decision is final. You're getting married whether you like it or not. "

Dad said and left to go to their bedroom. Mom follow him.

I clenched my fist as rage rose inside me. I hate this. I hate them. I hate everything that's happening. They should stop controlling me like that.
Suddenly, I had an idea. I didn't like this idea at first but now I think that it might work.

I run to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I picked up my phone and call John.

" Why isn't he picking up? "
I whispered under my breath.

I was scared. He usually picks up after two rings. I start to panic. I called again.
After another minute, I couldn't hold my nerves anymore.

" Please pick up! " I whisper loudly.

I start to pace around and tap my foot. I felt dizzy and hot because of all the pacing around. I needed air.
I grab my purse and ran outside. I walk as quickly as possible to the nearest park where there is a bench near a playground.
I sit down and try to catch my breath.

I tried calling my boyfriend again, but it's not working. I feel so frustrated. What the hell is going on with him? Of all the days, why can't I reached him now?

" What am I supposed to do? "
I mumbled tearfully.

I plan to call Jess and Alex but I don't want them to get involved.

Then after a few hours of thinking, I decided to leave the park. I decided to leave everything behind.

With nothing but my purse and phone, I hailed a cab. I asked him to drive me to a place that even my parents will never ever think about.

When I reached my destination, I pay for the ride and get off of the car. All I could ever think about is that...

" I'm free. "

* end of flashback *

I blink a few times trying to stopped my tears. Damn. I'm still feel wronged after those years. But I'm glad I didn't give up. And I'm still thankful because what happens make me strong and overcome every hardships that I encountered.

Even I hide from them for a long time, I know I can't live like this forever. I need to face them for sure. I'm just waiting for the right moment.

And I think it'll be soon.

I close my eyes. 4 hours have passed since I started thinking about the past. 4 hours of reminiscing about the reason I'm alone right now. 4 hours of letting the pain consume me slowly.

I feel better now though. I think I'm ready to handle all of it. My mind is tired. But that's okay. I have enough strength to deal with everything I need to.

5 Seconds of Heartache [ English ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon