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Heyo just a little story that I wrote in honor of Halloween. Rock on 🤘😆🤘
I woke up with a start, the smile of that... thing still burned in my retinas. I took a shaky breath, cradling my head in my hands. 1...2...3...4...5 Taking one last deep breath I got out of bed and began my day as a functioning human.

"Today was odd to say the least. My roommates weren't fighting for once, giving me smiles that seemed a little too wide. At work, my boss didn't yell at me once, and not a single 'Karen' or pervert came in. And to top it all off there wasn't any traffic. We live in New York!" My friend looked at me, enthralled with my story.

"Maybe you're just having a really good day?" We stopped at the crosswalk and waited for the sign to turn green. It was dark out, my weird day almost coming to an end.

I sighed and shook my head, "I don't think so, everything has just been too, how do i put it, perfect. I mean look around! Not a single drunk guy has passed us or aggressive asshole has passed us!" I furrowed my eyebrows and did a double take. "In fact it's really quiet." The light turned green and we started making our way across. "You know, this almost seems like a-"


I turned towards her. "How did you-" I stopped dead in my tracks, the question dying on my lips. Instead of the face I had grown up knowing, it was the face of a demon. Eyes gouged out and mouth carved into a haunting smile that reached her- no, it's eyes, and not in the good way.

"Reality is such a twisted thing, isn't it?" The blaring horn of a truck tearing away my attention. I could only let out a soul sucking scream before darkness welcomed me into its arms.

I woke up with a start.

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