6 || 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐎𝐏𝐒...

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After Osa's incident in the lair, she took the time to regain her strength and lay back. She did what she could to avoid chaos and didn't get too energetic-- she wanted to stay on the safe side of things.

While she played with her yellow rubber chicken in her beanbag, she could sense Raphael approaching her from behind. Her ear twitched at his large footsteps that mimicked any giant in a fairytale story, she got a whiff of his sweat that lightly covered his scaled skin, and she looked begind her to see he's towering over her. He kneeled down to match her eye level and simply said, "Hey, Osa." His low voice is husky and very calm... much calmer than the previous times.

"Hey." Osa answered him, her ear lowering and looking back to her chicken to feel its bumpy texture. Raph keeps speaking. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was childish of me to react the way I did." He said lowly, Osa listened with her back turned to him. "There's no excuse for my behavior. I guess I want to understand you without raising my voice. I hope you can forgive me."

Osa nodded, setting the chicken aside and turning her body to her distant friend who will become someone much closer to her, not just a temper mental, loving turtle that's related to her love interest. "Thank you for apologizing. If you ever do anything like that again, I'll rip your throat out." She replied casually.

Raphael's hazel eyes wide, he gulped nervously. "I--I-..."

The shifter instantly began laughing, inhaling deeply, and sighing heavily. "I'm just kidding." She got up from the beanbag, walking away. "Maybe..." She made her way to Donnie's lab, leaving Raphael questioning Osa's words.


After April got off work, she set her purse on the couch and pulled up her laptop from the coffee table in the living room.

Since her best friend is a mutant who can become any animal, she felt like it would be a good idea to look up animal behavior to get a better understanding of it. But it was so difficult because there are millions of different animals walking and swimming on the earth. At least she would have some kind of knowledge after today.

There's so much to learn.

She found animals that have terrible tempers, manageable tempers, some that can't be tamed! The more she thought about it all, it made her wonder if Osa was created to help take over the world.

No, that's crazy!

Well... If she thought hard about it, it could be possible.

Osa isn't a monster. She'll never be one if the thought came to her head.

April felt deep inside her that there will become a time where Osa will need to use her abilities to their fullest to protect herself.

She sat there on the couch, biting her nails nervously in hopes nothing terrible came to the young girl.


Osita yawned widely, stretching her body as she walked to Donnie's little area filled with beakers and other things Osa can't name. She saw how busy he was at his desk, looking into a microscope and turning the jobs slowly. He didn't take his eyes off of it unless he wrote something down on paper. "What are you doing?" Osa asked suddenly.

Don jumped in his chair, holding a hand to his plastron and breathing out. "Jeez! You scared me..." He says. "Not much, really. Just analyzing the structures of your DNA which is...very difficult."

"You got my DNA?" Osa questioned.

"Hair samples, and dead skin around the lair." He says, leaning in his chair.

"Oh," She smiled, jumping into the air and changing her shape into a golden finch. A small yellow bird with hints of black. "Need any feathers?" She chirped, flapping her little wings, making Donnie smile. "Or," Osa shifts to a ball python, slithering toward Donnie. "Scales?" She hissed with a small flicker of her tongue. The snake let her body coil around Donnie's, making her way up to his lap, chest, and shoulders. She rests her thick, scaley body around his neck.

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now