25. Catching up with the Grangers

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The next morning Draco accompanied Hermione (and Ginny) to their appointment with the healer. He was pleased to learn that Hermione had put on some weight, and that their son seemed to be growing as well. Draco asked if Hermione would be allowed to travel, by side-along apparation, and more importantly, if she would be able to apparate herself, as he wasn't sure he'd be able to transport three people in addition to himself. After a bit of hesitation, the healer assured them that she would be allowed to apparate, but to bring her morning sickness potions, because it would likely make her ill. In addition, she issued both Hermione and Ginny a week's worth of prenatal potions, as well as Hermione's extra strength nausea potions, and they were excused.

"So, what time did we say we would meet your parents?" Truth be told, he'd had several drinks the night before, and he didn't remember that precise detail.

Hermione was pleased that she seemed to be healthier than the week before, and after some hesitation, she was allowed to travel by herself. She could also tell that it was probably something she shouldn't be doing too often, just based on the healers hesitation. She thanked her, before leaving with Draco, and parting ways with Ginny. "We didn't really say, I told them I had this appointment and we would be over in the afternoon," she told him. "So, we could head over now, and they'll be expecting us," she added, hooking her arm through his, and leaning against him as she walked.

Draco nodded. "Good, because I'd hate to have you walk all the way upstairs just to come down again in an hour." Just getting from one place to another in the large castle was a lot of walking for any pregnant witch. Luckily, Draco knew exactly which hotel the Grangers were staying in, as he'd helped Potter arrange it, and was paying for their stay.

When they reached the outer gates of the castle, Draco put his arms around Hermione and disapparated, landing in an alley near the hotel in muggle London. "How are you feeling?" he asked her before continuing, wanting to be sure she was feeling well enough to walk just yet.

She held onto him, and when they arrived, she felt just a little lightheaded. "I'll be okay, I'll just sit down once we get to their room," she told him. "Do you know their room number?" She asked him, keeping hold on his arm, just in case. She knew that at any moment the dizziness she felt could overwhelm her.

"We'll just ask at the lobby," Draco told her, holding her hand on his arm as he began to walk with her. Once they reached the street he turned right and walked just a bit further to the hotel entrance, holding the door open to let her in before him. When they reached the reception desk, Draco approached the receptionist with a charming smile. "Good afternoon," he greeted her after looking at the time. It was just past noon. "My name is Draco Malfoy, I booked a room for a couple of family members who are visiting. Could you remind me what room number they're in?"

"Just one moment, Mister Malfoy," the young woman replied, and after a few entries into her computer, she turned back to him with a smile. "They're in suite eleven-hundred and four."

"Right," Draco agreed, as though this was something he already knew but had simply forgotten. "Thank you. Would you be a dear and let them know their daughter and I are on our way up?" He turned back to Hermione and put his arm around her, while the receptionist picked up the phone to dial their room.

"Thank Merlin for lifts," he told Hermione as they made their way toward the elevator. The stairs at Hogwarts were brutal, but they certainly kept the students in shape.

Hermione stood quietly beside Draco as he spoke to the receptionist, she hadn't realized he had been the one paying for their room until then. When he had the room number, she walked with him. "Yeah, I don't think you would fancy carrying me up eleven flights of stairs," she said, grinning up at him. When they got to the elevators, she pushed the up button, and waited for one of them to open.

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