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you go to your desk and pick up the bag of jolly ranchers, you look at the bag and see the watermelon character.

"Man, he's so hot 😳😳😳😳😳" You put the bag down and look at your computer for a bit.

After watching some FUNNY videos you realize that the bag is shaking?!!?!1!1?!?!?!/!?!?!11?!!

the watermelon character comes to life!!1!!1!!1111!1!!11!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!

He's wearing an oversized dark green hoodie with black pants and lime green shoes.

He looks at you and hold out his hand reaching for yours. "Is this dream come true?1!???/?" you think to yourself. after thinking to yourself for 2 and a half minutes you finally grab his hand.

He has that smug face and pulls you somewhere, You both make it to the balcony.

"Wonderful view is it not?" he says. "It's a wonderful view" you reply. You both sit down on the bench and stare at the stars.

You think to yourself. "This is the best night in my life!!1!, It can get betetr thouughj!"
You lean in for a kiss and he replies with.

"ew no, Ima fukin watermelon what" He runs away

ur heartbroketh now big sad

Jolly Rancher Watermelon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now