chapter 10

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we zoom on the open seas where blagoj rose and the  rest of the azur lane have found out where the sirens 

main base is located and they lauched an attack on the base destroying most of the buldings and killing

 many of the sirens it was blagoj and rose that dealth the final blow when they killed arbitter ending the war as they returned back to base blagoj took rose to secluded location 

blagoj:rose i need to tell you something you have been with me when we met and had fallen in love i will ask will you marry me he openes the case to reveal a wedding ring 

rose:yes i will marry you blagoj as they kissed blagoj put the wedding ring on rose fingers one thing is certain these two will become husband and wife soon 

the next week is where the weeding took and where blagoj and emily were given blessing and kissed each other later they went to their room and had lots of fun which lasted untill rose 

legs give up as they fall asleep one thing is certain their life just got good as they will spend the rest of their lifes in this world which they dont have a problem with 

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