Secret Unvailed

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Me and my homie right, were crusing down the street and my other homie called... "get to ya mama house ASAP".. so me and my boyfriend pull up, adrenaline PUMPING and eyes bout CROSSED 🥴 (confused).. so my mom tells my other homeboy to go back in the house because "this some shit she needs to deal with"... so I hop out the car 🚘 like yeah ma, wassup! "Your sister's been fucking Jamal again" 😳 KAH-POW.. my head blew up! Mad as hell, I called Jamal out the house 🤬!! THIS NIGGA DONE GOT JA'MIRA KNOCKED UP! 🤰
So I'm furious cause ma dukes bd has been FUCKING MY SISTER 🤢.. She caught once and kicked him out, but I never knew why until later! 😴 So, Jamal been fucking my sister, & now she pregnant 🤰... but she doesn't know if it's JAMAL or Kid BooBoo's baby 🤦🏽‍♀️. Mama used to Fuck with him too, but found out he had herpes and left before he could touch her 😭.. ANYWAYS, let me get back to it.. so my mama pissed because RiRi is knocked up, by Jamal, but Jamal never came to his daughter's birth.. he was somewhere passed out bout DRUNK. My sister mad and shit came running out the house... Jamal behind her screaming "THEY ALREADY KNOW!"
So RiRi is running out the house, telling Jamal to "shut the fuck up!" Everyone standing confused, looking at them crazy 🤨.. Kid BooBoo Pulls Up, and pulls out his 45' and screams.. "now who's the father?! Cause you supposed to got them test back!" So noooow we standing in the mist of a SOON TO BE CROSS FIRE 🔥🤦🏽‍♀️.. This bitch RiRi, told that mf "THE BABY IS YOURS".. and he pulls off.. (mind you he was fucked up).. so now Jamal at her neck mad, and my mother butts in.. "wtf y'all got going on".. Jamal dropped his head and said "Renee.. the test came back 99.99% positive today"...
So now we are all standing out DISGUSTED! 🤧 Ja'mirah pregnant.. & she done told Kid Boo Boo it was his baby when he was bout fucked up, and he's been LOCKED UP for 3years... He just got out TWO DAYS ago...🤦🏽‍♀️ So now my dumb ass sister gotta come up with a game plan before she get her shit blown off.. 🔥 Jamal says "well, just let that nigga have it then!", all mad and shit.. but my mother tells him "nah, nigga she's 5 MONTHS PREGNANT! 🥴
Now tell me why this nigga Jamal PASSED OUT 🤣.. Took a deep breath and dropped like a voodoo doll 💀. RiRi, standing in the yard, just KNEW she was gone be fucked by BooBoo, when he sober up 🤦🏽‍♀️. Can't get no abortion because no one never knew about the baby!
We all sat in the living room, for that night, that room was everyone's sack!
GUN SHOTS RANG OUT.. Boo Boo done shot Ja'Mirah car up & sprayed the block!!!

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