_Babe please!_.... I'm not ready to speak to my mum....each time I take her call, it's always about marriage. Obviously I'm not in the mood to banter over that issue again.... at least today should be spared.
_Dora frantically speaking your mum is right at some point_....
You aren't getting younger.... All these SPEC you keep talking of...I think it's high time you reason beyond that....
You can create that Perfect man from an imperfect guy.....
Getting married to a billionaire is cool....but trust me finding happiness should be your priority at this point.
Your mum has your interest at heart....
She cannever wish you bad.....so I think if you can't find that perfect MR you are waiting for then go with your mother's choice.
I'm sure she will pick a responsible guy for you._seriously Sandra??? I can't believe you're the one saying this....
SPEC tacular nii_
You know me better, I'm not after any man's wealth...all I want is someone I can love everything about... arrange or signed marriages aren't my thing
Like they say matches are made In heaven......
_ Abeg forget about my marriage issues and give me gist....how is your husband????_ I asked trying not to prolong the conversation
He is fine ooooo....._Ohh ya that reminds me ...was going to gist you the surprise he gave me last night_So what are you waiting for??? So if I didn't ask you wouldn't have remembered to tell me bah???
Oya spill it asap_
Oh babe come-on of course I would've told you.....
Well....(she began narrating) Got back from work late last night..... feeling tired due to the day' job, having severe headache and was actually going to get sudrex tablet from the first aid kit which I had left lying on the dining table before leaving for work.
There I saw a bouquet of flower on the table.... wondering who would've brought flowers to the house.
_who could it be?_ I mull over.It's not my birthday today or is it???
Neither is it my hubby's birthday...
It wasn't even our anniversary....
Beside the flower was a card.....which read.... "BEDROOM".....
With the recent issue of Bedroom murders I threw my bag to the floor running right to my bedroom shouting my husband's name.....as my frail mind wander over different scenes.
The pressure I used in opening the door was as that of the police breaching a door to catch a criminal
I eyes went wide in awe as I behold my transformed room filled with ornaments.....
_Wowwwww_.... I'm sure it took him so much effort to get this done all by himself.
On the bed filled with red rose was a box.... without hesitation I opened the box to see the next surprise.
Wow.....so beautiful I exclaimed....
It was a lingerie....a note was inside the box... instructing I wore them.
I quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up and change into the lovely white lingerie.
While dressing my hair standing in front of our big dressing mirror....my hubby came in.
Wearing a tightly fitted short....
I suddenly became shy as he walked closer to me....
Gently he wrapped his hands round my waist.... as he buried his head under my jaws
I could feel the warm air coming off his nostril..._What next???? Tell me what next_ I asked
_Dora leave me alone jorr_ she replied as she suddenly started reading the magazine on her tableOhhh Sandra please tell me what happened next?....why share half gist????
It's not fair at all...."Your mum has been calling you non stop go and answer her".....she said making funny gestures at me.
So this is it right????.....I know were to get you !
Hahahahaha go and get married....then you wouldn't need me explaining things to you....she chortled as she made flips to the next page of the magazine.
Feeling sick and knackered.....
I tossed myself to my spacious mattress as I tried pulling off my shoes still on my working dress.
I'd caught a cold from the rain....'Beep beep' came a familiar sound..... it's my phone.
I'm way tired to leave the bed....my phone was in my bag which I'd thrown helplessly to the floor.
Beep beep it came again....
It was mum calling....
I refused picking her call during the noon....she must be worried.
"_ Hellò mamí kedú-Ki meré_ ???.....I asked in our dialect
_ Òdin-má_ my dear....she replied
For some minutes we had a quiet mother to daughter fun conversation.
I just pray she doesn't ruin it as usual.
_'my dear the reason I called actually is to remind you Christmas is few months from now....and I would like you come spend it with me'__Ohhh mamí sure I will_...... it's not a problem at all.
_...I don't want you to come alone....bring your fiancé along with you....I have to meet him_....I don't want to hear any excuses
_mum??? Seriously??? You know....._ she hung up not letting me complete my statement.... maybe this was a pay back since I hung up on her the last time she called
Anyways i expected mum to ruin the conversation.I just wonder what her problem is.....
Will I drag any random dude to her or what?
Why won't she let me take my time.I quickly made few clicks on my phone... calling Sandra.
Explaining all mum had said....
I expected Sandra to support me judging by the fact she is my friend.....rather she supported mum's decision.
This made me think perhaps she was working with mum ....._ maybe she was mum's secret sidekick_A sunny weekend.....feels good walking down the street under the cold breeze.
Thinking of mum's demands, didn't see the vehicle in front._pooommmmmm, pooommmmm_ came the horn of the car.......
Realizing myself...I found myself on the floor.
Someone had just dragged me out of the road.
There I was on the ground with my rescuer.....
_Are you ok miss?_......_Ya I'm fine I said...in shock as my heart beat faster_
Thanks for saving my life.*_'YOU!'_.????......we both chorused
What are you doing here????....he inquired._Taking a walk....and you??_
You stay around????
_No_ I replied
What then are you doing here.... where's your car???
Like I said taking a walk..... didn't realize I had come this far.
What were you thinking.....
_Looks like you love getting into troubles._...he teased
_ and looks like it happens whenever you are around me....._ thanks for saving me once again.....
_I owe you_.....__Today your clothe is in a bad state again and I'm to blame for it_
He is the same guy that had repaired my car during the incident on the rain
Ohhhh it's nothing....._
Since we are in front of a restaurant why don't you join me let's try out their dishes.Ohhhh noo you go ahead ....I will be going home now.
You want to repay the favor???? Then have lunch with me.Alright then....so I wouldn't have to be in debt..... let's go.
He ushered me into the restaurant and placed the order.
The lunch ended quickly than expected._I will leave now_.....
Ohhhh come-on let me drop you off at your place....he offered
Nah...' I don't want to be a burden to you....so don't worry I will manage.
He insisted he dropped me off but I refused yet again
And "zooom" he drove off
What kind of a man is this that couldn't convince a lady.....I for a fact wanted him to drop me off....
Since I wasn't with my car and my ankle hurts alot from the accident._It is hard getting a taxi here....I murmured_
I walked a distance dragging my feet....Poom poom came the horn of a car stopping right beside me.
Come in I will drop you off !
I will manage I said as I continued dragging my feet.
It's obvious you are hurt....why being stubborn...._ he said
I said I will manage....I replied
He made attempt to leave and I quickly called him back.....
_since you asked nicely....sure I will go with you...he smirked and made open the door.
_I'm Sebastien_ he said.....you can call me Seb._I'm Dorathy....but you can call me Dora_
he had given me his full name as well as his preferred nickname. I had to do same
General FictionDorathy is a second class upper graduate of banking and finance Michael Okpara University of Agriculture.....an independent young lady, she has bluntly said No to several men, she believes she deserved the best....with pressure from her mum who wou...