Our Mum | 25

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"I'M JOKING." He laughed, pointing at me, weirdly his laugh sounded forced, and hints of awkwardness could be heard.

"You should've seen the look on your face." He settled down, my face didn't move the slightest, no smile to be shown at his petty joke.

"About the whole thing, it's all whatever. Yolo." He shrugged.

"You only live once so maybe use this life smartly and don't fuck up your career?" I said.

"Woah why so serious? Relax Yeseul, we're gonna get some hate and possibly get in a lot of trouble with the company but that's it. Once we divorce we're gonna go our separate ways so please just, bear with this." He told me.

"Right, there's only 2 weeks left till your parents go back, and till we can divorce." I said.

"Actually, good news for you. My parents have urgent business to complete, so they're leaving next week. Yay Yeseul, we can divorce even quicker!" He exclaimed.

"Yay...!" I faked a smile before claiming that I felt sleepy so I could turn the other way and not have to face him.

"Alright, goodnight." He told me, switching off the lights. I'm not the slightest bit sleepy, neither can my thoughts let me fall asleep. I peeked over at Jimin who had managed to fly to dreamland.

Next morning

"Yes we just got the tests back."

I still had my eyes closed but I awoke hearing the elderly nurse speaking to who I assume was Jimin

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I still had my eyes closed but I awoke hearing the elderly nurse speaking to who I assume was Jimin.

"So? What did they say?" He asked, I slightly peeked my eyes open to see both of them standing on the other side of the curtain.

"Luckily for her, her stitches healed her so well the virus couldn't make it's way inside her blood. She's negative." I heard, making me relieved. Jimin picked the nurse up and spun her around in happiness.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He exclaimed in joy

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"Thank you thank you thank you!" He exclaimed in joy.

"Child let me down! Ssshhh, she's still sleeping." The nurse said, quite surprised at Jimin's actions. I quickly shut my eyes again, holding in my smile.

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