I Love You | 26

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I peeked one of my eyes open to see Seulgi and Taeyong leaving the lakeside place. I slowly detached my lips from his.

"Wow uh... what was that...?" Jimin scratched the back of his head.

"I'm so sorry, you were talking about your lover and here I am being the bad guy." I sadly chuckled.

"No no, not at all

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"No no, not at all. Before you distracted me by looking into the distance I was actually going to say that I... didn't feel the same for her. I'm planning on ending things with her soon." He told me.

"You what? Why?" I asked, he's planning on breaking up with her? Why am I, sorta kinda, happy?

"Yeah, I just realised there's this girl that makes me really happy. I shouldn't waste my time further and make her mine. But there's this problem... could you give me some advice on it?" He asked. Wow that's just great, I love giving girl advice to the guy I've caught feelings for.

"Yeah sure, ask away." I faked a smile, we were getting drenched at the moment.

"I've been a really big dick to her for the past couple years, if I was her I'd honestly despise me. But what can I do? I've gotten closer to her, and found myself catching feelings. How do I apologise for everything?" He asked.

"Hm, maybe just, apologise?" I didn't wanna give him good advice, why should I?

"Alright then, Mrs Park Yeseul." He suddenly called my name.

"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry."

"OH YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME?" My mouth dropped open as my smile threatened to take over my face. Keep cool Yeseul.

"Yes you dense idiot, I was talking about you." He pulled me by the wrist and hugged me tight.

"So will you be mine?" He whispered, I just hummed in response. We pulled out of the hug and just laughed.

"I really wanna kiss you right now." He looked me dead in the eyes and said something so straightforward.

"Well you can't, and until you actually tell Seulgi unnie that you wanna end things, we won't be official." I told him, taking a step back.

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