Chapter 4

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Poppy noticed the expression on Barb's face and turned around. She looked and saw Carol standing right there. Clear as day- or night. Poppy looked at her clock, it was almost 3 in the morning. Why was she here? Poppy then remembered how terrified Barb was before, and that same fear was there

Poppy cleared her throat

"Uhh Carol. It's really late. Shouldn't you go home and rest?" Poppy asked

Carol didn't respond. She just looked at Poppy as she pulled something out from her back

Barb looked and saw a knife and reached for Poppy's hand

"Hey uhh Pop-Squeak. We should go." Barb said

Poppy looked at Barb and saw the blade in Carols hand. She reached for Barb but then noticed that Carol was blocking the only exit. Barb looked at Poppy's window

"Poppy. Let's go out your window." Barb whispered

"What? No! You'll twist your ankle for sure." Poppy whispered back


Barb shut up as Carol looked at them both

"Ohhh trying to leave? So soon? Oh that's too bad." Carol said

Carol threw the knife at Poppy. Poppy immediately jumped to the left into her dresser as it missed. Carol took the knife out of the wall. She went on top of Poppy and pointed the knife at her throat

Barb jumped on Carol to try and stop her, but Carol held her back with her other hand

"You know this could've all been avoided if you both just stayed away from each other." Carol told them both

Poppy reached for one of her scrapbooks. She opened it as glitter sprayed at Carol. Carol was blinded by the glitter

Poppy quickly grabbed Barb's hand and ran to Branch's bunker


Branch was sleeping and woke up to loud banging above. He sighed and went up. He saw Poppy and Barb scared half to death

"Whoa, whoa. Girls. What's wrong?" Branch asked them

"Let us stay here Branch. Please!" Poppy told him

Branch looked at them. He saw them trembling bad. He sighed

"Fine. Come inside." Branch said

They went into his bunker. Branch led them both to a spare room

"Now what's going on?" Branch asked them


"I'll speak for you Barb. You've gone through a lot today." Poppy said

She looked at Branch

"Carol is after us. She's trying to kill me Branch. Just to have Barb to herself. Let her at least stay here." Poppy said

Branch looked at Barb and honestly started to feel a little bad about what she was going through

"Alright. Fine. She can stay." Branch said

"Thanks Branch." Poppy said

Poppy gave a hug. Branch returned it. Just then two other Trolls came out of the bathroom. The three of them looked to see Hickory and Trollex

"Guys!!" Branch said

"Oh! Hi Branch." Trollex waved

"You said you would wait!" Branch said

"You were taking too long." Hickory said

"So! We started without you." Trollex said

"Started what?" Barb asked

"Oh! We started-"

Hickory covered his mouth

"Monopoly. We started monopoly." Hickory said

"In the bathroom?" Poppy asked

"YES!! In the bathroom!" Branch said

"But Hickory's sau-"

Branch and Hickory covered Trollex's mouth


Poppy and Barb just stared. Barb finally realized

"Ohhhh. You guys are disgusting." Barb said

They all smiled. Trollex removed both Branch and Hickory's hands

"So what are they doing here?" Trollex asked

"Carol is after us. So Branch said we could stay." Poppy answered

"Yeah." Branch said standing proud

"How did you escape?" Hickory asked

"One word! Glitter." Poppy said

Trollex gasped dramatically. Just then the power in Branch's bunker was cut off

"What in the?" Branch said out loud

Branch went to his power box but all the switches were turned on. He looked at the wires and saw one of them cut

"Who did this?" Branch asked them

They all shrugged not knowing the answer. Well maybe Poppy and Barb did. They both looked at each other. Poppy held Barb's hand to try and calm her down

They heard something in the vents. Branch was confused of how they were getting through. But then he remembered the power was out and stuck his hand out to protect his friends. Hickory did the same

"We'll meet again." They heard someone sing

"Don't know where, don't know when!" The person sang

Barb hid behind Poppy for protection. Poppy was honestly ready to attack

"Oh I know we'll meet again, some sunny day!!" The person sang

They popped their head through the vent as it was revealed to be Carol

"AHHHHH!!" The Trolls screamed

"How did you?!" Branch asked

"Oh it was honestly a little too easy. If your powers out it's almost easy to get around here." Carol said

She came out of the vents and got her head out of it then walked over to them. Branch and Hickory immediately got in front of the others so that Carol couldn't approach them

Carol looked at them both and then at Barb. A smile spread across her face. It freaked Barb out, a lot. Branch and the others noticed

"Carol, you need to go. Now." Branch told her

"I'll take Barb and go." Carol said

"No way!" Trollex said

"She feels SO unsafe with you." Poppy said, putting her arms around Barb

Carol shoved Branch and Hickory out of the way and went over to Poppy and Barb

"I should just finish you right now." Carol told Poppy

They stared at each other for the longest time. That is until Poppy felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw the knife from before sticking right into her. Poppy looked at Carol again and saw her smiling, she looked horrifying

Poppy fell to the floor. Everyone watched in horror. Barb fell to Poppy's side to see if she was ok. Except Poppy. She wasn't breathing. Barb felt tears form into her eyes. Branch, Trollex, and Hickory stood there, unable to move from how horrified they were

Carol was smiling maliciously. She grabbed Barb by her wrist as the two of them left. Barb hated it. She wanted to stay with Poppy, she wanted to be with her, she didn't want to be with Carol. She didn't even know who Carol was anymore

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