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"Yes Gorden, it's me". She continued to renegade aggressively while staring Gorden dead in the eyes. He started back to assert dominance. She kept starring trying to prove her hype. "What the fuck? Charlae i thought you were in the Bahamas being a hypocrite?" She continued to dance, not breaking eye contact with the chef. "Are you going to say anything?" Charloyd began to sweat, the nerves getting the best of her as she kept pushing to overcome the glare of the beady-eyed brit. She gave a small head shake, signaling her resistance to speak.


Renegade, renegade, ooh ah womp womp go oooh ha ha bbbbnnbnbbnbv

Gorden marched over her

"Vaping isn't very cash money."

"NOOOO" chariestyles screamed. She fell to the ground, juuls spilling out of her pockets and tears running from her eyes. Now that she was vulnerable, Gorden saw his chance.

"Why am I here?"

"It's a distraction! What do you think?" She sobbed through puffs of juuuuuuul.

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"The elevator, the hotel, this, everything! They hacked into your gps and lead you here so that I cou-"

Chrattewmorriaonie stopped. She hesitated before reaching into her pocket and pulling out an ak 47.

"Look. It wasn't my choice. I didn't want to have to do this but at the end of the day, I took an oath and you are too much of a threat."

Gorden stumbled backwards. "Wait wait wait, you don't have to do this."

"I do."

Charli cocked the gun and took it in two hands. Haha say cocked without the ed haha sus She held it up and aimed for Gordens pp. As she was about to end his ability to have children and his life, a zap echoed through the room and chartie fell to the ground in a seizure.

"That's sussy! The Charlie was sus When the imsotster is sus!! Very sussy indeed"

Gorden walked away humming the among us trap remix, satisfied that he could continue on the path to Area 51 and locate the lamb sauce. He pushed the elevator button and waited. As the doors opened, a voice boomed over a loudspeaker.

"Gorden, the council needs to speak with you."

What the fuck

"Umm... can't sorry. I need to go to Area 51 so I can fuck a bottle of lamb sauce."

"It's in regards to the lamb sauce and its location."


"Robin thicc"

eboy quagmire toilet lmao

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eboy quagmire toilet lmao

Gorden Ramsey x Lamb SauceWhere stories live. Discover now