Chapter 12

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Ae-ra's POV..
She came after washing her face. We checked the time and only 15 mins are left for the elyxion. So we take our dumplings and some snacks and sat on the sofa. I switched on the tv and hye-mi brought lightsticks.

"Why did you brought lightsticks here?" I asked.
"To cheer them." She said and sit beside me.
"You are such a idiot." I chuckled
and lightly smacked on her head.

The concert started very well but the ending song was drop that. Gosh... It is such a dangerous song that can make everyone on their feet.
We took our drinks and dancing like a hell until we saw that Suho suddenly tooks off his lather jacket showing all his abs to the Eries.

"Wow!!! I have never seen such a chocolate!!!" Hye-mi said while drooling over the TV

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"Wow!!! I have never seen such a chocolate!!!" Hye-mi said while drooling over the TV.

Hye-mi's POV...

I was fanning myself on that body. Hot af, slim but strong waist, light flashing on those muscles. God, bless my innocent eyes that I am able to see such things not in real but in live telecast and specially on my TV... My tv is also blessed with such hotness.

"Wow!!!! I have never seen such a chocolate!!!"

The words suddenly came out of my mouth automatically. Suddenly I heard a sound. I looked at the direction where it is coming and found that the can of Coke Ae-ra was holding was smashed by her left hand.

"Yah... Yah... Yah... What are you doing?" I went near her and snatched the poor can that lost his life in my sister's hand.

I saw some scratches on her hand. I picked up the first aid kit from my cupboard and dressed her hand. I took a glimpse of her while dressing her hand and saw that her face and her eyes were red in anger. But what was the cause of her anger? She never gets angry on drop that song and also many Exo members opened their shirt before but Suho oppa had never showed his body to the public before. She still never gets angry on this open the shirt thing. Is she angry on my compliment for Suho, I think yes. This would be the reason because Suho was her bias and its common to get jealous on other fangirls...

Ae-ra's POV...

I was burning from the inside. How he can do this in concert when he know that he is going to be married. I was thinking how to kill him when he came back. I was thinking and I realised that hye-mi was putting bandage on my hand. Then I realized that in anger I have hurt myself but I can't feel any pain while crushing the aluminum can.

"Yah! Let's sleep. We have to go on work tomorrow." Hye-mi said while taking the wrappers and stuff and went to throw it in the dustbin.

We both went to our respective rooms and slept there well....

Hello guys, this is a shortest chapter ever but also too....
If you don't like it, then it's not my problem. But I add this scene in it so it can make this story more exiting.
Let me give you the spoiler for chapter.
I will post two chapters together due to the new spice of the story. Stay tuned and stay connected to knew what happened next.

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