I'm sorry...

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''And..''- Her eyes looked between my legs and saw the little boy behind me she then got a little mad bringing someone she didn't know into HER house (Btw her mom broke up with her dad) ''U-uh mom t-this is Ash..please don't get mad I'm sorry''! She shook her head and moved me to see the little boy she gasped and started crying and got on her knees and covered her head I was confused but then I also wanted to yell at her to know how she knew him but I also didn't know why I felt furious so I just stood there looking at her as she has her legs binder her bum and hands over her head but then I looked over to the boy whose eyes were opened big and teary wet blue crystal eyes I then wanted to yell how she knew him again but I took a deep breath and asked calmly ''H-Hey mom how do you know this kid''? She looked at me with her irritated red puffy eyes and got up looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath and looked back down. ''This i-is m-my best friends s-son...'' My eyes went big and mocked her ''Your b-best friends s-son...''? I looked back and saw him It looked like he had a flashback about his mother his short skinny legs trembled and put his hands over his eyes but me I still just stood there processing about what just happen but then I came to hug my mom and picked her up then I went back to the boy and said quietly ''H-hey i-if its ok w-with my mom you can s-stay here if you want heh''?

He shook his head up and down I pretty sure he meant yes so I took him to me and my moms guest room that had girl and boy clothes and a shower in it I told him if he wanted a shower he said no but I knew he wanted a shower so I told him that I would leave his clothes on the toilet seat he looked down then back up and said ''F-fine..'' See! I knew he wanted a shower I picked out some P'JS for him and told him I would put on the shower for him he nodded so He inside then shower as I wait I decide to check on my mom I see she's in the kitchen I see her frozen leaning against a cabinet I look to see a bit more I see, I see a picture! wait whos that I thought Mabey a picture of dad? No.... ''H-Hey mom whos that''?

Welp looks like I had time hehe Oh well I should see who wants more but If people don't want me to continue this story I won't but I will tell my friend and if she says yes then I guess I will continue but ye..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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