A little Boy named Ash

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As I was walking toward my home on a smooth white sidewalk and tall green trees around me, I was walking then I  found a little boy standing behind a bush next to me.  I stopped to lean just a bit more of what he was doing. I asked ''U-um hello''?  He didn't reply.  He just stared at me for a bit of time so then I stepped a bit closer to him but he started to back away from me a few steps. ''Um, are you lost? If so I can help you if you want!" Then he started to speak a little bit ''U-Umm..'' The lost little boy said                                                                                                                                                                                                        Then I started to speak ''Hey it's ok I'm not bad''! Then he started to come out of the bush.  He had a cute little hat with black horns in his hat! Oh, it was just so cute! Then he said  ''I-I was a-a-..''  I started to blurt out  ''A-a''?   ''Abandoned by m-my parents..'' Then I put both of my hands over my mouth while I gasped and wondering why? When? Where?   Then I asked ''Is I-it ok to ask how that came about..''? He shook his head and started to look at the floor and then wet tears fell from his eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I looked around to see if anybody was watching me then I decided to bend down and give him a hug.  Then he starts crying really badly and I didn't know what to do! So I asked what his name was and he replied  ''My name is A-Ash..''  then I started to say ''Hey Ash It's going to be ok''! Here just follow me ok?'' He said ok then I held his hand and started to wonder how I'm going to tell my parents about this boy I randomly found on this sidewalk!

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