thirty one

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**louis' POV**

a week after my birthday and it's new year's eve. I always go to zayn's for new years but because I actually have a boyfriend this time, and zayn has gigi, we're going to a big field and having a bonfire as we watch the fireworks the local community set off. niall and liam are also coming, as well as some of gigi's friends.

it's only four o'clock now so harry and I are setting up the bonfire as niall and liam bring in food and drinks from liam's car. once everything is set up it's just about five and the sun is almost completely gone. we have blankets scattered around for anyone and extra coats in all our cars because not even a bonfire can keep you warm in december here.

by eight almost everyone is here and I have my car radio on for some music as the bonfire starts getting bigger. soon enough it's as big as we want it and a few people are sat around it roasting marshmallows and keeping warm.

harry and I sit on a blanket quite far away, enjoying each other's company for a while. we talk quietly as harry rubs his glove covered hand up and down my side and my back is on his chest. "I love you louis" he whispers into my ear before placing a kiss under it. I look over and smile at him, lifting my finger to poke his dimple that has made an appearnace on his cheek. "I love you too harry" I answer honestly, watching a blush take over his cheeks.

we sit together for a while longer, before getting up and taking our blanket over to everyone else so we can be warmer by the fire. zayn chucks us a bag of huge marshmallows and we both take a couple out, harry pulling some skewers from the pile by the fire. harry squishes a marshmallow onto the end and hands me the stick, before doing his own.

we push them out to the fire and both watch as an orange tinge lands on the sugary sweet. harry turns his head and starts peppering kisses on my neck while I concentrate on not burning my marshmallow, watching harry's light on fire. "h-haz as much as I l-love this" I start, barely being able to form the sentence. "your marshmallow is on fire" I tell him and he quickly pulls back with wide eyes, seeing a flame covering his.

he pulls it out and starts blowing furiously on it, getting the fire to go out before frowning. "oh haz, we can share mine yeah?" I ask and he gives me a small smile. leaning over and taking a bite from my now orange marshmallow. "heyyyy" I say, shoving him away and covering it. "mmmm so good lou" he moans, chewing on it before his adams apple bobs as he swallows.

"a bit more?" he asks with big eyes and a pout on his lips, begging me to kiss it away, so I do. I lean in and peck his lips before bringing the marshmallow over to his mouth and letting him take another bite. I snatch it away and eat the rest myself, leaving harry giggling next to me.

**harry's POV**

by ten o'clock a some people are tipsy (thanks to louis buying a few drinks) and a select few are drunk. nothing too bad that they can't sober up before they go home. I have had a few cans but I'm barely on the edge of tipsy, whereas louis has had a few more and it almost borderline drunk.

he clings to me as we stand in the distance. I stopped him drinking now, limiting him to water or coke from now on, not wanting him to cause a scene when he gets home later. louis and I are swaying slowly while watching the aggressive flickers of the fire. my arms are around his whole body while his cling to my neck, fingers fiddling with my hair.

"I love you hazza" he says, quite loudly and I chuckle at how loud and funny he is while drunk. "I love you too princess" I answer, leaning down and kissing his lips that taste vagely of smirnoff vodka and budweiser's. weirdly it tastes good and I keep my lips on his a little longer than expected, having whistles from everyone else who's here. "it's not midnight yet" someone calls and I pull away laughing as louis giggles into my chest.

we pull apart and louis drags me by my hand over to the fire, releasing me to pull zayn into a hug. zayn hugs back with a soft expression on his face. "he gets really cuddly when he's drunk" zayn says to me and I nod, a large smile splitting my face in half. "that's perfectly fine" I tell him and open my arms, letting louis run over with a giddy laugh.

he jumps onto me and I slightly stumble back, holding his waist as he wraps his legs around me. "whoa lou" I say, steadying myself before laughing quietly into his ear. "sorry haz" he giggles, clinging tighter and kissing my neck.

I take him over to niall's car where some food is, and I try to unnhook his legs but he whines into my neck. "nooooo" he whisper-yells, a frown on his face and a pout on his lips. I lean in and kiss his pout, pulling back to see it's still there so I tighten my hold and his face softens. I try again and this time his pout disappears as I kiss him again.

I stick my hand into the car and pull out some crackers and grapes, hoping this will help him sober up before midnight. I hand them to him and he eagerly takes them, slowly eating them and popping a few grapes into my mouth. he puts half a long cracker into his mouth and prods my lips with the other end. I roll my eyes before smiling and biting the other end, just barely brushing his lips.

he giggles as we both chew on the food. it's getting harder to carry him but I won't put him down until he says it's okay. I take more food and walk us back over to the fire, going to set him down after he gives me the okay in the form of a nod. he stands next to me, quietly eating the food I'd given him while his one arm is gripped around my waist.

I talk to liam as niall cuddles in to his side, also being a little drunk. "you can tell we're the tops" liam laughs and I laugh with him. I look down to louis and see him worriedly looking around while munching on a cracker.

(did I think of louis eating those nachos on stage when I wrote this? yes, yes I did)

I swoon at how adorable he is and lean down to take a grape in my mouth, louis letting me but scowling at anyone else who tries to take one. zayn scowls back at louis, already recieving a glare from the small boy for trying to take a grape earlier.

it's getting closer to midnight and I can tell louis isn't as drunk anymore, I'd cal him tipsy now. he stands on his tippy toes and uses my shoulder to reach my ear, lowering his voice to whisper something. "I have a secret" he says, biting his lip as a blush takes over his face. "what is it baby?" I ask and he smiles, leaning back in. "I have a crush on you" he dives his face into his hands and shakes his head. I can't help but let a wide smile appear as I take his hands away. "wanna know something?" I say, leaning slowly into his lips. "I have a crush on you too" I tell him and he smiles before I quickly kiss him.

we keep it short, even though louis tries to deepen it before I pull away. "haaazzzzaaaaa" he whines, trying to catch my lips again. "we can in..." I start, pulling out my phone to see it's already 11:45. "fifteen minutes princess" I finish and he nods in understanding.

ten minutes quickly pass and people start spreading out on blankets so they can have a private moment at midnight. louis and I are quite far from the fire so I'm holding him close with a blanket around us to keep him warm. I have my phone out and unlocked so I can see the time. we both watch it slowly tick by and soon enough it's 11:58

louis turns to face me more, definitely more sober than earlier and straddles me. we look at my phone and now it's 11:59, someone in the distance starting to count down from ten. I look at louis, pulling him closer by his waist as his arms go around my neck.

"5...4...3..." everyone is shouting, but louis and I are whispering quietly as we inch closer. "2...1..." I capture his lips and savour the moment. my first new year's with someone and I'm so happy it's him. our lips work together as my tongue pokes out and traces his bottom lip, asking for entrance. he grants it and we let out quiet moans as our tongue's find each other's.

minutes pass and we're still kissing, louis moving closer and closer until air can't even fit through us. I move my hands down and grip his ass, loving how I can hold it all in my big hands. he moans a little louder into my mouth and I can't help but smile at the effect it has on me.

we pull apart and our lips glisten with the spit of the other. "happy new year princess" I whisper, pecking him one more time and licking his lip. "happy new year hazza" he answers, catching me in a tight hug.

my first new year's with a boyfriend, and it's already the best one I've ever had.


hehe I couldn't not write a new year's chapter after depriving you all of a christmas one. sorry lmao. I hope you enjoyed it and I looovvveee youuuuu <3
- S

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