Chapter 2: Twiced Enticed

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Evalynn (POV)

I am livid passed the point of comprehension. I have half a mind to go back and knock his arrogant ass out, but I know the mainstream of my anger really is a deep seeded guilt and frustration directed towards myself. I can't lie to myself and say I'm not attracted to Xavier. I'm captivated by his presence, and the command he has over my body's sexual response to him is instantaneous and thrilling.

When James died, I cut myself off from such arousing emotions;  I couldn't imagine myself ever desiring someone or even pondering on sharing a close intamacy with anyone else. For five years, I've buried such emotions so profoundly under the layers of grief and isolation that I have tricked myself into believing that I could never care for another man ever again. Then here comes Xavier waltzing into my life awakening something so sensual and lustful within me. Lord knows the deep lonely feelings I've tried to ignore. No matter how strong I try to be; I can't deny that I don't lay awake at night missing a man's touch. But there's still my son to consider, should I even attempt to indulge in my desires knowing I have a son who is my one and only priority?

Nope, I shouldn't.  Besides, Xavier is an arrogant ass and very bold in his intentions. Why would I want to be with his sexy, delicious abs- ah I mean ass anyways? But then again, who am I kidding. I wouldn't mind having him for the night.

I managed to calm myself down after a couple minutes. I still have a full day of appointments with clients, so for now my issues can be put on hold. On my way out the break room, I pass by the fitness room I had my appointment with Xavier. A small part of me hoped he lingered around, but the empty room told me he already left the building. I quickly chased away any feelings of disappointment and reported to my next appointment. Analyzing my personal conflict won't pay the bills, I forced myself to quiet all thoughts and I quickly delved into work mode.

Three o'clock rolled around and I had about by half an hour before I had to clock out and be on my merry way to pick up my lil fudge nugget. Lucas finishes at 4pm, so I'm making good on time before I have to go pick him up. Of course I'll be gushing over him and asking the typical "How was your first day at school?" question. I can't help it, it's literally in the motherhood manual to be overbearing and cheesy. That kid is my life, how could I possibly bother potentially ruining our bond with this Xavier situation. Xavier can kiss my black, voluptuous ass and with that satisfying thought I finished out my last appointment and prepared to clock out.

I pulled up to Lucas school at 4 o'clock on the dot. I'm punctual when it comes to my little baby but then again I'm feeling especially eager today. I make my way across the school lawn to the entrance where I see a growing gatherimg of equally eager parents awaiting the arrival of their children. I'm glad I'm not alone in my sentiments; us first timers have got it rough because we simply miss our little ones.

As I approah the entrance, I notice a man waiting near the tail end of the crowd. You could tell he does well for himself based on the tailored sleek fit of his armani suit, but there's something about him that looks familiar. This is all based off a back view but his stance and posture is something I've seen before. The height on this man towers all others that surround him, and his exquiste physique filled out that suit very well. It's almost as if the suit adjusted itself to cater to his body. His relaxed position still managed to project its dominance over all else in his range. I recognized a familiar stirring developing in my lady loins and I automatically paired a name to this man as his profile was revealed when he glanced over to his left.

Xavier Caldwell!?

Does this man not have a home or a regular job. Twice in one day is a bit much, but I'll be damned if I don't admit that he looks incredibly delicious in that suit. I'm not naive enough to believe that he spends his afternoons enjoying the arrival of little children, but in all honesty that's just creepy. So that leaves me with one conclusion, he has a child. I'm genuinely shocked. He never struck me as the type to have a kid, but then again there's always more to a person than meets the eye. You learn something everyday right. I try to veer off in the opposite direction to avoid all contact and communication. One encounter with Xavier was more than enough for me; however, fate seemed to have other plans for us that day. Just as I glided pass him to head towards the opposite side of the crowd, Xavier whips his head around to directly face my direction. My movements come to a numbing halt as I'm once again transfixed by his captivating eyes. Their rich brownness held a mischievous glint, very different from the intense looks I received earlier. It's almost as if I'm looking into the mysterious eyes of a completely different person,  but the effect was all the same. There's no mistaking my internal gravitation towards this man, and this inevitable feeling is what awakens an exciting yet profound fear within me. Seconds unraveled before anyone of us realized what was actually transpiring between us, I had his undivided attention as he had mine. We communicated all thoughts without words,  and as cliché as it sounds, time did stop for a moment.  A moment in which I recognized the pile of complications I was augmenting into my own life just by taking the time to stare at this man. He's already influenced me in such a thought provoking sexual manner and I have yet to know his life story. I was the first to break eye contact and attempt to start "small talk".

"Mr. Caldwell,  what brings you here?? If I didn't know any better,  I'd think you're following me."

I can feel my lips strain from the excessive smiling. Nervous jitters wracked my whole body as I begin to think about the dumbass question I just asked him.

"Uh I'm sorry have we met before??"

I give off a couple of halfhearted chuckles. So he's going to act like we didn't just have an appointment earlier this morning. I give him props on the awesome display of his confusion. It almost looks genuine, but knowing first hand how much of an arrogant asshole he can be, I revert back to a mood of complete annoyance with the whole situation.

"Really Xavier, we just had an appointment this morning!"

His face contorted into complete shock, and then settled into complete intrigue. Ok now I'm thoroughly confused and quite a bit pissed off that he thinks he can feign a mysterious case of amnesia. Again, the audacity of this man is ridiculous. Is he on a bitter streak because I shut him down? I have no problem doing it again. I stand firmly by my decisions, at least that's what I'd like to think when it comes to him.

"Ohh that's right. We did have an appointment today. Yup, right at the place where uh we have those appointments. Yea. Umm what's your name again??"

I believe all rationale has left my mind, and I'm about ready to do some serious damage to this boy. His ego was beaten down a couple notches and now he wants to be  childish about it. No problem, I simply don't have the tolerance to deal with little boys and their bruised egos.

"Goodbye, Mr. Caldwell."

I delivered my response very coolly.  The grim expression on my face gave all indications that I was not in the mood for anymore bullshit. There was a great unease settling across his face. Good, he's realizing how much he just fucked up. The school dismissal bell rang and I took that opportunity to leave him there without a second thought. He tried to sputter an apology but I didn't have the ears to listen. In all honesty, I couldn't muster the care to listen. Twice he showed his ass today, and to think I was actually flirting with the idea of seeing what we could build up to. Of all the men available on this precious Earth, why does Xavier have to be the one I'm drawn to. He literally acts like two seperate persons!

I saw Lucas make his way out the building. I called out to him with arms waving.

"Lucas, over here!!"

I witnessed him search out my voice and locate me standing off to the side. His face lite up with excitement as he ran into my arms. I gathered him into a tight embrace, and I might have went overboard with the kisses.

"Mommmmm, my friends are watching!" He whined. I chuckled inwardly at his discomfort.

"Ok, ok I'll stop with the kisses. So how was your first day?" I asked as I released him and eased his hand in mine. Lucas recounted his day enthusiastically barely getting the words out, and I guided us back to the car listening with peaked interest. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Xavier swinging hands with a little girl that looked about Lucas age. She looked just like Xavier with deep brown almost black hair which hung in gorgeous ringlets. Her eyes held a rich azure vibrance; it must be her mother's eyes. Just from I'm the expression on his face, I could tell this child had Xavier wrapped around her little fingers. My  heart softened a little bit just by witnessing the scene. Doubt began to creep upon my thoughts but I was adamant about clearing myself of Xavier. Maybe he isn't so bad....I guess I'll never know. I forced all thoughts off the subject and focused on Lucas.

~Author's Note

Hopefully you figured out that Eva met two different Xavier doesn't have a clone lol

Thanks for reading...I'm tryna to shoot for longer chapters since I tae forever to update...sorry about that

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