Chapter 1

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Seliel's POV:

Nonononono NO! I knew I should've taken the bus, now I'm gonna be late. I race on my skateboard at an ungodly pace in a desperate attempt to make to school on time. It's pretty difficult when all the streets and pavements are bustling with people. Ninjago City is busy. Okay that's it. I grab my skateboard and full on sprint the next half mile. School starts at half past eight. It's okay, I have...

2 minutes.

I run Usain Bolt style all the way to school. I should've just gone with Jay earlier in the morning. 8:42. It's not the first time I'm late... I hide my skateboard in a bush where nobody can take it, and race through the doors.

I find my way through the labyrinth of campus. While running, I hear a ping from my phone, then another. As I reach for my phone I feel something collide with my head before I crash to the floor.

I genuinely don't know what I did to upset the first spinjitzu master.

I look up to see one of the jocks looking down at me with a disgusted look on his face. As I take minute to observe him, I notice he has dark shaggy hair and defined jawline. I can officially declare that he's gonna be your typical high school jerk.

"Watch where you're going," he sneers. See? Jerk. He walks past me as I take a moment to take in the audacity. I blink. It takes a second for me to realise that I am in fact late. I scramble all my things together and dash towards my class. While running I check my phone to see a text from Jay.

Jay: Sel where r u???

Jay: U need to be more punctual

Jay: Seliel Gordon I'm getting worried!!!!

Jay: Answer! Pls I'm beginning 2 panic...

Me: I'm fine, I'm in skl now

I'll just have to come up with an excuse as to why I was late again. He may be 7 minutes older, but we are still twins. He does not have chastising rights. I still have to make an excuse to avoid another 'Jay lecture/ramble'.

I check my phone again to see 5 dollars added to my PayPal account from some rando I probably don't know. It's hard to keep track on who and how many people these days.

Jay's POV:

I sit on my chair at the back of the classroom. I'm kinda worried about Sel, considering she hasn't answered any of my calls or texts, and class started 15 minutes ago. I know she's usually late, but never this late. I came in early to work on a project with Lloyd, and she said she's coming on her own. I get a buzz from my phone. It has to be Sel considering nobody else texts me.

Me: Seliel Gordon I'm getting worried!!!!

Me: Answer! Pls I'm beginning 2 panic...

Sel: I'm fine, I'm in skl now

She is so going to get it from me. She's always late. I've always thought it was important to be punctual, but Seli just doesn't really care. She doesn't care about most of the rules to be honest.

"I am SO sorry I am late sir."

Everybody turns to look at Seliel, who just casually strolls into the classroom and takes a seat between me and her friend Pixal. Everybody returns their attention to the teacher or to their phones, as if nothing had happened. I glance at my twin and give her the stank eye. She nervously smiles back and waves.

Despite her lack of punctuality, she is very responsible in class, and we always share the top grade. I'll give her this, she works super hard, and its not always easy - especially for her. You see, we're not exactly the most... popular kids. Don't get me wrong, people like us, but not in the way we'd wanna be liked. You know?

Seliel's POV:

Me and Pix walk to my locker, totally absorbed in conversation. My locker has some of the red paint chipping, and a dent from when I kicked it on my first day, but it's alright. I open the door to see a pile of pieces of paper with sticky notes. A pile of about... 12. no, 13.


"Seli, are you sure you want to keep doing this? You seem pretty drained from it every night. You need to rest every once in a while." I smile, it's nice to see somebody other than Jay show any kind of concern towards me.

"Don't worry Pix. Besides, we need the income. Look at this - 13! That's like 65 dollars!"

"Yeah, but I don't think doing other people's homework is the best way to go about getting some extra cash. It's not helping you or them, and I thin-" she glances over my shoulder, then cuts herself off. "Good luck Sel." "Wait what?- where are you going?"

"Seliel Gordon you are in soooo much trouble!" Ah. "What were you thinking?! I was worried sick about you! Why didn't you respond to any of my calls, you could've been kidnapped for all I know! I was this close to calling the police, you should've-" he begins to rant. I cut him off witha simple zip 'it' hand gesture because I can't be asked to listen to this. Again.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I didn't expect the streets to be so crowded." I say quietly. He doesn't look convinced. He folds his arms.

"OMFSM just imagine what could've happened to you!" His sparkly eyes morph into sadness, and hurt. "Mum wouldn't be able to handle another loss Seliel."

I shuffle on my feet. I instantly feel guilty. There is now an awkward silence. Great. I grab my start and start shuffling towards the parking lot without a word. Jay and Pix slowly follow.

"How many did you get today?" he responds. He shows me the 10 papers he has in his hands. I smirk. "Not very many... Only 13." His face brightens. No, we are not sad nerds that enjoy doing homework. But since we were sophomores, we've had to do this, and it turned out really well. We needed the money after dad left. "Okay, so all together that should add up to 150 dollars, because 3 of mine are essays."

Pix gives me a worried look. "Are you sure you don't need any help?"

"Don't worry girl, I got this." She smiles at me and waves goodbye as a car honks, signalling for her to get in.

--- 🕒 ---

Me and Jay make it out of his car, and we make our way to the apartment. When we get in there, we see mum sprawled out across the couch asleep, crisp packets lying around, as well as an empty wine bottle and a half empty glass on the coffee table. The movie credits are still rolling on the tv in front of her. I sigh. Ever since our dad left us right before our freshman year, mum has pretty much shut down. She stopped going to work, and just sits on the couch and watches tv and drinks. Goodness know where she's off to at night.

Today's been busy. Jay goes to clear up mom's mess while I go and start the others' homework. I have 3 essays, 9 papers, and a story plan to do. They all left sticky notes with whatever it is that needed doing.

It's Jay's turn to cook dinner, so I finish up on my last essay and smile as I receive a few more notifications telling me money has been added to my PayPal.  It's really hard, but its all we have to live off of as most places won't take inexperienced kids in for jobs.

We eat the microwave spaghetti in silence. Jay isn't talking, which is new. I guess he saw mum leave without saying goodbye... again. It's been harder on him than on me. It's times like this where I appreciate him stepping up. Sometimes I just wish he would let me help him - this isn't healthy, for either of us. He doesn't have friends to support him - then again, neither do I. We aren't exactly popular. We have, like, one friend each. I wonder if something happened in school that's put such a dampness on his mood... My mind wanders back to my, erm - collision with one of the jocks today. Cole. I remember that distinctly, I wonder if something similar happened to Jay. They're all jerks if I'm being honest.

"... How was your day?" No response. "Jay, you okay?"

"...Yeah, it's been a long day. I'm just gonna do some work and head to bed." He gets up and heads to his room.

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