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Hello dear Reader, this is either our first or perhaps our second, third, fourth, meeting? It matters not. Perhaps you've been reading them studying them, wondering, hoarding what I've written. It matters not, because in the end there is always more to read, always another story to write. This story you've stumbled upon is one I've been told my dear friend, Cartaphiles. A man even older then me, I am happy to say.

On this bleak and dreary night, I put pen to paper, this tale he told me. You'll have to forgive me if somethings are inaccurate, Cartaphiles's mind tends to slip. And memory is a crude and cruel thing. Although I am assured by a mutual acquaintance of ours  that these event did occur. That in the great state of New York, in the little town of Sleepy Hollow, there resides a Dullahan. he has a much more famous moniker the 'Headless Horsemen.' Yes, no, maybe so? Well either way many have heard of his first ride. Decapitating villagers looking for his lost head, yet never finding it. This story is not about his initiation into our moonlit world, a child's first step really, its about his second ride. A ride in almost moderns time. Now let me tell you as Cartaphiles told me.  Many moons ago when it was October of 1980. It was several months after the winter Olympics were held in lake placid. That Cartaphiles was to meet one of our more fiendish associates at the Sleepy Hollow Inn. It was there that he meet Belial (our associate) and our  unexpected heroes and heroines. There names where and are...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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