I put myself down
Told myself
"I'm not worth this crown"

I planned to improve
But never did
Dint make a move
And just hid

I was lazy
Too stubborn to listen
Thought someone was crazy
To thing I was wrong

My ego was too high,
To see what's going on
And completely blinded,
I continued to move on

Little did I know
A day would come
When everyone rose high
While I stayed down

I wish I knew back then
I wish I could turn back time,
I wish someone guided me
To walk down the other line

Here I stood
But here I won't stay
I couldn't turn back time
But that was ok

I realised
It was not too late
And started climbing up
To that golden gate

A few years later
When I looked back down,
a smile crept onto my face
Seeing how far I'd come

"But this is not the end"
I told my self,
Seeking something new
Seeking something else...

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