Five times people were shocked about Tom and one time they weren't

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five times people were shocked about Tom and the one time they weren't


Tom and Harry are in a happy relationship, just only in private. Nobody believes that Tom can be a loving boyfriend and he continues to prove them wrong, until the one time that he doesn't.

1 - Hermione

Hermione smiled as she pushed open the doors to the library. She loved being in the library, it was always so quiet and peaceful. It was her haven away from the rest of her busy life at Hogwarts.

She hummed quietly to herself as she navigated her way through the stacks of books. She wanted to get lost among the stacks and find a nice spot to herself. She had finished her homework early and wanted a cozy spot to read for pleasure. She knew of a spot near the back of the library, it was very hidden. She'd never seen another student use it before, and knowing Hogwarts, she could be the only one to know it existed.

Well, probably not the only one. She frowned to herself. Riddle probably knew it existed. Just like how he knew everything else.

Riddle was always beating her in everything, coming out slightly ahead. It irked her to no end. His potion was always slightly more perfect, his essay slightly longer, or his spells flawless. She didn't understand. She also never saw him studying or practicing, it was like he was just innately perfect and gifted in every way. She scoffed to herself.

As she was about to turn the corner into her spot, she heard a quiet laugh and she stopped. She knew that laugh. Harry had a beautiful laugh; it was a sound of pure joy. But, why was he laughing in the back of the library?

She waited and she heard another voice, it was deep and also full of humor, like the person was holding back a laugh. It was a very nice voice, and one that she also knew well. That was the voice of Tom Riddle. Although, now that she thought about it, she has never heard his voice sound like that before. She's heard him laugh before, of course, but never did his voice sound so warm and happy. His laugh was always forced happy at jokes made by professors or cold and sharp at some other student.

She quietly stepped back and peered through the stacks of books to look into the quiet spot.

Harry and Tom were sitting at a table together and were incredibly close. Their legs were pressed together, and Tom's arm was slung around Harry's shoulders. There were some books in front of them, but it was obvious that they were long abandoned. Harry was still laughing quietly at whatever Tom had told him, and Tom was smiling pleased down at him.

This was another shock to Hermione. She had known, of course, that Tom and Harry were together. Harry had told her and Ron a couple weeks ago that Tom had asked him out, and that he had said yes. Hermione and Ron had been incredibly confused at the time, given that the pair had never been seen together in public. Or that Harry had never mentioned Riddle before until now. They had smiled and been supportive, but her and Ron had assumed that it was a joke or something. They never had actually considered them to be a couple.

Or such a loving couple at that. Riddle had kept quietly making jokes to Harry, and Harry was almost about to fall out of his chair laughing. Riddle moved his arm to wrap around Harry's midsection to keep him in the chair but was continuing to make Harry laugh. At this point, Harry was almost sitting in Riddle's lap.

Harry finally stopped laughing but looked up at Riddle with a stupidly happy grin on his face. Riddle was looking down at him, with his arm still firmed wrapped around him, with a soft smile. Riddle's eyes were warm and full of affection, Hermione noticed.

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