EP3. Uh..

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2 days later..

Everyone sat on the sofa just after dinner eating cake. no one looked over when so,some stepped out of the lift. "sir. there seems to be an intruder behind you!" Jarvis said. Tony looked around at a silver haired woman. "eh?!" everyone looked at the woman. she was wearing a black skirt and a hoodie with trainers. "uhh..hi guys.." Wanda squealed at the girl. "PIETRO PIETRO PIETROOO!!!" she screamed. everyone looked in astonishment as the woman nodded and pulled out the clothes Pietro was wearing two days ago. "i'll be back in a minute" he said before running back to his room. "what the-" Sam started off. "he always said about wanting to be a girl! i never thought he would even do this! i-i" she was lost for words. Pietro walked back in, he was wearing a blue dress and black flats. everyone complimented him, including Clint, who thought he looked nice. "uhh..Tony? i hope this isn't to much to ask you.." he started. "nothings to much Pietro. shoot." Pietro played with his fingers, that where now much thinner and had lovley black acrylics on them. "could i have me room redone?" he muttered. Tony nodded. "choose what you want, i'll get people to do it for you." he said. Pietro smiled and skipped back to his room.

The next week the twins had to go back to school. Clint had to come with them to get Pietro's name changed to Adrianna Barton. Pietro wore a tracksuit and shoes like he normally did. his sister let him borrow hers. they sat down in English and waited for the teacher to call role. Tony had made this thing that Pietro had to wear on his chest so his voice changed without him trying. "ok..we have a new student- oh. their not new. hm..ah! ok. anyways, role call!" she said, clapping her hands. she called out a few names until she came to 'the list' "Peter Parker?" "Here Miss" "Courtney Barnes?" "here Miss.." "Wanda Barton?" "Here Miss" "uhh..Adrianna Barton?" Pietro looked up, "here Miss" everyone looked at the new kid. "ah! new student. honey, why don't you introduce yourself?" Pietro nodded and cleared his throat. "i'm Adrianna..i'm Wandas half sister..i like cooking and all of the above. and i'm from Sokovia.." he said. "MISS!?" Flash's hand shot up. "yes Flash?" Miss said, rolling her eyes. "the only people who lived in Sokovia are the Maximoff twins!" he said, looking over at Pietro. "oh! so..i could put my hand up and be like 'miss! only Peter lives in New York! so no one else can' " Pietro shot back. everyone snickered, including the teacher. "where is Pietro anyways Miss?" Flash asked. She walked over to Wanda and whispered, "i know she's your brother, i've been emailed. now, what do i say?" she asked. "my brothers skipped a few years and is now in college, studying tech." Wanda said. The teacher nodded and they continued onto their lesson.

when they got to lunch Pietro slammed his head on the table. "why's Flash in every class i have?.." he muttered. "ain't my fault lil sis. eat your food!" she said. Pietro leaned on the table and ate his cheese and ham sandwich Clint had specifically made. Wade walked over and sat down beside Peter. "who's her?" he asked, motioning over to Pietro. "it's my brother. just called him Adrianna" Wanda muttered, still eating her lunch. "Oh. cool" Wade said before eating his pizza. someone phone went off and everyone looked around to figure who's phone it was. Pietro looked at his phone, he raised an eyebrow and picked up. "hi Nata-" "I AM COMING TO GET YOU RIGHT THE MINUTE!" She screamed before hanging up.

they where sitting in home ec. when someone viciously knocked on the door. the teacher opened the door and Natasha came in. "Adrianna!" she squealed. Pietro smiled, "cmon baby A! i'm taking you shopping!" she said, jumping up and down. Pietro rolled his eyes and started packing up his stuff. "yeah. that's my girlfriend" he heard Flash say to Brad. "says who?" Pietro shot back, spinning around in his chair. "uhh.." Flash started to stutter. "i'm taken Flash. so don't even try me." he said before walking up to Natasha.

when they closed the door, Pietro reached down his shirt and pulled off the voice changer. "hey Nat" he said in his normal voice. They walked down the hall and Natasha signed out Pietro. they got in the car and drove towards the mall. they got out of the car and Natasha dragged him into New Look. she chose out eight outfits for him and he loved them all. Natasha got noticed everywhere they went, Pietro kinda drifted off Natasha and ended up in a jewellers. he looked around and remembered it had his and his sisters birthday in two weeks. he eyed a ruby gem ring and a silver bracelet. he asked if he could get them wrapped up and they kindly said he could. he paid and left the store. he looked around to see Natasha signing people's things and giving out hugs. 'i'll text her later in' he walked down the mall and went into a woman's clothing store.

he looked around until a woman came up and asked if he needed any help. "uh, yeah i kinda do. it's me and my sisters birthday in two weeks and i wanna buy her something." he explained to the woman. she asked for his sisters style and he lay it out as casual, likes dresses and enjoys matching people. she nodded and showed him an isle and he thanked her. he picked up a black shirt and a red leather skirt. he paid and left a tip for the woman who helped him.

he walked back to the hall and facepalmed himself when he realised the car was past Natasha and her fans. he slid past her and walked to the car. he got in and set his shopping down. he started the car and backed up.

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