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Blossom was being pulled down the metal staircase by Andrea, her head being hit repeatedly by the steps but she made sure Andrea wouldn't tell she was in that much pain so that she seemed strong and still, tougher than that wretched woman.

Blossom let out grunts as her head hit each metal step, 'I hope it hurts.' Andrea smirked at the corner of her face.

'You can dream on, honey.' Blossom shouted from below her. Andrea suddenly tugged extra hard, making Blossom fall faster than she had for the past 10 minutes.

Blossom inhaled sharply to stop herself making any noise.

'Does it not hurt the princess?' Andrea laughed, knowing Blossom was just trying not to seem weak.

'Of course, it doesn't. Dirty players are cheats.'  Blossom tried to smile through choking on her own saliva.

'What did you say?'

'I said you're a cheat. You got someone out there to get me, what's the fun in that? You gotta do all the dirty work, then you'll feel greater, better, more powerful. Sadly, I thought I saw you as a friend and a good partner. An eye for an eye, I killed your boo, what're you gonna do? Kill me?'

'Yes! Of course, I am you... you... you cretin.' Andrea snarled, she put Blossom upright and pushed her against the wall, Andrea kneed Blossom in the stomach, but Blossom barely flinched or reacted at all.

'Then finish me off, get everyone in this damned world against you, try me. I dare you.' Blossom sniggered between pants.

'Sure.' Andrea felt behind her to try and get her gun.

But it wasn't there.

'Got'cha' Blossom shoved her hands behind her and jumped up, she gave a bunny-like kick towards Andrea's chest.

Andrea fell backwards instantly, shocked and coughing, but she did not stop, she stood back up and took to an offensive stance. Blossom hurled the gun that she had taken Andrea off the stairs.

'See? Fair fight.' Blossom waved her free hands.

'WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!' Andrea bellowed at Blossom and hurled an overly aggressive and rushed fist at Blossom, who dodged it with ease.

'Ugh!' Andrea cried out.

'See? I'm doing nothing yet you still lose.' Blossom boasted as Andrea threw her other fist towards Blossom's head, who, again, ducked to avoid it. 'Come back to me Andrea, I'll take you back in, even after this, and if not, then I'll seriously consider this betrayal and treachery, you won't be able to sleep peacefully for a single night after this for the rest of your life. Make your choice, now.'

Blosson held Andrea by her hands, twisting them the wrong way with indifference. Andrea gave a quivery breath, her face was not facing Blossom so she didn't know what Blossom looked like, was she enjoying this? Or was she not? If Andrea made the wrong choice then everything that happened next would go against her favour.

Andrea stood still, panting, considering her options. 'No, I don't think so. I think I'll choose betrayal.'

'Alright, your choice.' Blossom twisted Andrea's wrists right way up and pulled even harder as she  lay a leg in between them. She kicked Andrea's back, stretching Andrea's arms.

'Blossom Utonium, you will regret this.'

'Will I? You are a disgusting pest to have ever been shown mercy by me. I don't know how I couldn't spot a nuisance when it was just right by my eyes. I should've squished a pest when I saw one. Andrea, I cannot express my desire to kick you off right now and here.' Blossom started to speak again, and this time, Andrea had no choice but to listen.

'I have been nothing but nice to you, you were one of the first people I thought I could trust and we've been through a lot. We both went through lots of things going on in each of our businesses, and we also dealt with a lot of our personal problems together, how could you do this when I had made an empty threat. You know I am serious when it comes to business yet you treat me like a joke. This is not child's play.' Blossom yanked Andrea's arms further towards herself and kicked further. Andrea scowled louder.

'Fuck you, Blossom! Fuck you! Fuck you!' Andrea shouted, the yell echoing throughout the stairway.


'Ugh, who are we going to hand into the station now?' Cherri looked up at Buttercup after examining the body and announcing the man as truly dead.

'How do I know?' Buttercup's gaze turned to Boomer and Bubbles. 'Was there anyone else?' She asked them

'Yes, there was a guy in a smaller position, he was called in to do some stuff by Alejandro but he left midway. We saw him first thing when coming in and I had good fun blasting his brains out.' Boomer replied, laughingly.

'No, that's not what she's asking.' Bubbles put a hand on Boomer's shoulder. 'Here, after that guy left, Alejandro's wife walked in. Andrea Sánchez is this mysterious, ominous woman. I thought she was good friends with Blossom but apparently the encounter they had proved the dark web wrong.' She continued to say.

'I see.' Cherri and Buttercup nodded at each other. 'So there is still Andrea out there?'

'Yes.' Bubbles affirmed, nodding seriously.

'Then she's our last catch before we get fired for good for killing all these people.' Buttercup explained.

There was only a moment of silence before Bubbles started to speak again.

'I honestly feel like y'all are some bribed police or something. I ain't ever seen cops carry themselves like you guys do.' Bubbles started randomly.

'I agree too.' Boomer and Brick also said simultaneously, then intensely glared at each other after.

'We aren't.' Cherri started to explain.

'Yeah, we most definitely aren't.' Buttercup crossed her arms. 'What do you guys mean? That you think we are?'

'No, we didn't say that. Bubbles only asked a question.' Boomer defended his girlfriend.

'Yeah, Bubbles is only your sister, don't act all sensitive when you murdered some guys down there.' Brick, too, crossed his arms and wanted to go head to head with Buttercup.

'Enough.' Cherri laid an arm between the two.

'What? Have a reason for the way you are?' Brick asked her. 'There ain't a cop who would kill so many "innocent" people, right?' He teased. Bubbles and Boomer muttered agreements behind him.

Cherri seemed lost for words before she gulped and said: 'Fine, I'm actually being suspended right now. For my last case.'

'You're what?' Buttercup widened her eyes in terror.

'I'm suspended, I said.'

'Really? And I've been following you around this whole time like some idiot?' Buttercup asked. 'What am I even doing? Doing all this for nothing? I'm so confused and everything that has happened today is messed up! I can't believe you- I- we both killed people. They might have been innocent or, or-'

'Except they aren't.' Bubbles stared at the pair oddly as she interrupted the conversation. 'You know they aren't, don't defend those people.'

'You may be considered as one of them too, if you think about it the right way.' Buttercup scoffed.

'Buttercup!' Cherri shouted at her. 'You shut up right now. This is a serious matter. Your own sister is missing and we need to find her.'

'My sister- my sister- my sister, I could give less than a shit for what Blossom is doing or how she is being dealt with right now.' Buttercup through her hands up.

'Fuck off!' Bubbles screeched. 'Blossom is alive, we just don't know where.'

'Thank fuck that bitch is done with.'

The shuffling of hands as a door swings open and heels click.

'Huh?' Bubbles looks over.

I sold my heart (Blossick PPGXRRB)Where stories live. Discover now