The Sorting Hat

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When I found an empty compartment on the train I put my trunk on the shelf, sat Ewa on the seat next to me and pulled out my IPod. I love muggle music for some reason, my favourite band is named Nirvana. My Uncle Tom (my Mums brother) came over to my house on a random visit and handed me the IPod not telling me how to use it and just left straight after, no hi or anything. He's always been a bit odd. I hear a knock on the door and see Harry, he opens the door and steps into the compartment.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit with you? All the other compartments are full" he asks.

I nod and smile at him. He smiles back and sits down across from me. 

"I'm Harry" he says, "Harry potter."

I smile then say, "I'm Dylan, Dylan Potter."

His jaw drops.

"Does... Does that mean that you're related t-to me?" Harry asks.

I nod.

"But how? People told me that all my relatives are dead, except for the Dursley's of course."

I nod again then I explain, "that's because my Dad and your Dad are brothers and they had a falling out. Everybody assumed that my Dad died when he was 16 because he chose not to contact anyone."

Harry gasps then his face breaks out into a grin. 

"This is great! I have family other then the Dursley's."

We are suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. It's Ron from the barrier. He slides the compartment door open and smiles shyly.

"Mind if I join you two? Everywhere else is full" he asks.

I nod and Harry says "sure!"

I smile at how happy Harry looks.

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley!" Ron introduces himself.

Harry and me both smile and introduce ourselves.

Ron gasps when he hears Harry's name.

"So it's true?" he asks excitedly. "Do you really have the-the-uhh" Ron stammers pointing to his forehead where Harry's scar is.

"Oh!" Harry smiles and pulls his fringe back.

"Wicked!" Ron smiles.

"I didn't know that Harry had a cousin on his Dad's side!" Ron says turning to me.

I roll my eyes, "Long story" I say.

Harry smiles at me then repeats what I told him. I'm not a big fan of talking.

As soon as Harry finishes the story we're interrupted again, this time by a girl with bushy, brown hair and large front teeth.

"Excuse me, but has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one" she asks us.

We all shake our heads then the girl sees Harry and gasps.

Harry smiles at her awkwardly. 

"You must be Harry Potter!" the girl exclaims, moving forward and sitting next to Ron. 

Harry nods at her, shocked while Ron looks at her with a filthy look on his face. I laugh quietly at this, she does come across as a bit of an annoying no-it-all.

"I'm Hermione Granger and you are?" she asks Ron.

"Ron Weasley" Ron says proudly.

"Pleasure" Hermione says then turns to me.

"I'm Dylan Potter" I say in a flat tone, annoyed at her for some reason.

As I suspected, Hermione's shocked to learn that I am related to Harry.

Dylan Potter; the not so famous cousin.Where stories live. Discover now