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⊰᯽⊱┈──╌❊   ♡   ❊╌──┈⊰᯽⊱

The dragon, a legendary creature symbolizes protection, success, wisdom, loyalty, fearlessness, strength, balance, and immense possibility. Being the master of all four elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind, it also embodies primordial power.

Some dragons live in palaces under the ocean, while others can only be found in caves and inside mountains. Or forests.

To some of us they are just mythical creatures, stories made up by the elderly to scare the children. But they are real.

Dragons are very loyal, and respectful. Honor everything, even the opponent at war-time. And a Dragon almost always keeps his word. Dragons enjoy all kinds of activities, and some even suport hobbies.

In a universe where there is no trace of human, no disturbance, no worry. There also wasn't any dread, suffering or war. There were only dragons.

Just like how humans live all around the world in a community with different identity, dragons also live in similar manner within the world in communities just like us. There are different types of dragons who live respectively to their environment.

Fire, ice, forest, sea etc.

Some are hostile and aggressive in nature, some are self-possessive.

In the depth of the icey forest, where land and sea meet. The trees and land beautifully frosted with ice. The water covered by a thick layer of solid knuckle breaking ice. Only some parts broken due to the inhabitants living there. Little caves and dens were made l around the place. It was winter and the sun was beautifully complimenting the entire place with its warm glory. Slowly rising to the top.

Little purs and gentle cute animalistic noises, and birds singing could be heard. There lived a wing of forest dragons. They were not as hostile as the other kind, nor they were over powered rare dragons. They lived peacefully.

On the surface of the water, there were three little whelps breaking the ice, they were about nine years old. The mother not so far, quietly observing her children to make sure no harm comes to them. The father off to hunting to feed his family.

Sure they weren't the most thirilling or god like, like their other species. But they are known to be extraordinarily beautiful, intelligent and strong.
Their clan is the least threatening. But they equally strong, smart as all other dragons. They weren't many of their kinds, the were almost extinct.

Their appearance is more admirable, with pink scales covering up their entire body. And mauve eyes. Their
Scleras a beautiful pale pink. They shined at night times. They had four limbs and pale Bat like wings. Their head was like of what an axolotl and cat would look like. Followed by a snake like slender tail with a fish tail at the end.

Out of the three little whelps two were male and one was a female, the female was a bit smaller than the other two. They were jumping, running and playfully biting each other with their harmless baby teeth. It was an adorable moment to see. A while later the Father arrives back from the sea climbing back on the land and gently setting all the fish down on the surface. The children immediately straighten up at the sight of their father, the father makes a sound what a horse would make to get the attention of his owner. The three little whelps waddle back to their den. The kids playing with their food and nipping at each other earns them an aggressive low snort by their mother. And they go back to eating.

Yet another time one of the three gets distracted by a bright shining golden bird in a flock of White-breasted nuthatches. It flies away and she keeps admiring the golden one fly away.

Yet this time she earns a little light smack on her head by her mother. She again goes back to eating. The golden bird not leaving the little ones head.


Soon hits night time and the family is getting ready to sleep. It's gonna be a new experience for the little kids. They're being taught the way how they're supposed to be sleeping as their kind. Behind the dad the are kids waddling excitedly towards where their father is headed, the mother is already in a bat like sleeeping position where her wings are beautifully securing her up like a pupa. The kids coo in awe watching their mother in the manner.

The father stands on his two lower limb and grabs the same tree branch where the mother is. Swiftly climbing on the branch and letting his tail wrap around the branch, then finally letting his body down. He signals his kids to a lower branch where their small frames can reach. They fail a few times. Stumbling on the branch and falling in the soft chilling snow, which doesn't affect them. After a few tries they finally manage to get into position. The earn a proud grunt from their parents and the father offers to tell them a story as a reward.

The father tells them about the prohibited lands close by where they live. He tells them if they ever stumble upon the place, they are immediately to fly away and never return. If they get too close they will be taken to a place and can never return. He also told them about a mysterious four limbed greedy creatures who walked on only two limbs. The two boys seem to get scared, but the little girl seems fascinated by the story.


It was the middle of the night when one of the little
whelps woke up by the twinkle of the ice, as if someone was trying to play on the frozen sleets. Looking at the direction where the source of sound came from. Her head snaps to the side and she spots the same golden bird from before. This time she follows it. Quietly falling on the soft surface. The snow helping in causing no sound to wake her family up. She attempts to take off at long-distance flights but fails following the bird. Now in the middle of no where, the little whelp still doesn't seem scared, but only curious.

She sees the bird Going down in a river. She follows and dives in too. Swimming deeper and further down the water. Finally the the bird dissappears in a glowing cave. She doesn't think twice and enters the cave with the bird. She looks around to see crystals hanging all around  the place, in awe she stares. And sees completely loses site of the bird. Getting worried that her parents must've realized she's missing she swims back to the opening of the shiny cave to see the light shrinking. This time she gets anxious and scared, swiming back as fast as her tiny body can take her. But it's too late and she's left in darkness. Some time later she feels lightheaded and passes out.

Waking up in a completely different place...

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Oh my fucking god, this took me like 2 hours.
While writing this i almost cried at the thought of a cute baby dragon almost crying and disappearing, while her parents wake up to her gone.

In the next chapter I'll give some basic information on her and her kind. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Btw please free to suggest ideas too!
There will be side chapters.

Until then I'll see yall later!

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