Chapter 8: Nightmare... or not?

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I sprung up from the couch and out the front door, leaving behind the two other adults in the living room completely baffled. And I ran. Where? Anywhere but here...

I ran for a while, not really caring how long that actually was. But soon I slowed down, finding myself in the park 2 blocks away. Welp, going back will be a challenge.

I walk over to a bench and sit down, what? I ran all the way here.

Why would they say that?

Why did they ever think I'll always just do as they say?

Why did they just put me up for sale?

Why was I the bait?

Why was my future not in my hands?

Why did they get a say in my life while I didn't?

Why was I still going to let them?


Why me?

Why him?

I quickly shook my head and stood up, my thoughts too much for me.

I walked around the park, following a random path. I stared at my shoes, kicking small stones as I walked. Finally, I looked up. The park was littered with people, a few picnic blankets, and many kids just running around. Two guys sat under a tree in a supposedly romantic setting. A mom chased her 9year-old around just to attack her with a boat-load of tickles. A pair of sisters looked around the flowerbeds, just enjoying each other's company.

I smiled.

I felt my muscles just... relax. How is this just so soothing? Seeing all these people just happy and relaxed, and having fun in general.

I sighed. I should go home and apologize... Mom and dad are probably already mad at me for running away like that.




"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me... I guess you could say I was shocked..." I looked down at my feet, tears welled up in my eyes as the stinging pain on my cheek worsened.

"You can't run off like that! How are you going to go to him if you aren't even here?!" How will I go to him? That's what he's worried about? "I am worried about you Y/n... I'm worried about your safety and future, you can't just go running off like that..." Oh, I guess he does care, that was just the first thing he said, right? It's ok...

"We are both worried about you, sweetie... we love you!" She steps in front taking my hand in hers. I nodded my head, unable to speak.




Today was the day. It was today. I was moving out.

My room had looked bland from the lack of all my novels that were now in my boxes, my closet was empty, devoid of my clothes, few of which were in my backpack.

I get out of my cab and walk up the steps to the front door.

I ring the doorbell willing myself not to cry. What the hell am I going to get from crying now?

My face remains monotone as I fight the tears.

That is until the door opens. My face breaks into a smile, my eyes shine with excitement.

I bolted upright.

(A/N: That was a dream alright?)

A dream, and about that? Ugh. Sweat beaded my forehead and my hair clung to my face, I gently moved my hair so that it wasn't all in my face and stood up.

I glanced around me. Everyone seemed to be asleep, some cuddled up on the mattress.

I walked out of the living room and to the kitchen, I needed a drink of water. And an anti-depressant probably. I internally chuckled. Cursing myself for using dark humor again.

I grabbed a glass and filled it up with water. I leaned against the counter drinking up. I put down the glass massaged my temples.

"Why are you up so late?" I immediately swoosh around, almost falling on my back. I look up at the person addressing me.

"Had a weird dream," I said a few moments of silence later.

Aaron nodded his head.


"What about you? Did you get any sleep?" I questioned.

Aaron nodded his head again, "I did, and if it hadn't been for Aph thinking she was going to have her soul sucked out by a unicorn because she ate the gummy worm it had wanted, I wouldn't have been up."

I giggled at that, "Did she really?"

Aaron nodded his head seriously, "If I didn't know better, I'd think she has been spending too much time practicing her Zane impression," Neither of us could hold it any longer and burst into fits of laughter. 

755 words! Yay! I hope you all liked it, had fun, and found out a little more about yourself! What do you think about the Aaron and reader bonding time? Do you think it might come in handy in the future? You all know what happens after season3 right? Will you be on the trip? Or will the Ro'meaves and the L/n's call of their deal?

I just opened up a new portal of scenarios that could happen-

May Irene Bless You!!! <3

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