Chapter 10: I'll wait for you...

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Zane gulped under my gaze as I narrowed my eyes further, glaring daggers, "Uhm, Y-Y/n, w-what are you doing up this late?" He stuttered.

"I could ask you the same thing," I spat back at him.

He looked startled if anything, he hadn't ever seen this side of me, he had never done anything to bring it out. He'd been lucky; until now that is.

"I have work I need to finish," He said, sounding much more sure than the expression his face held. He looked bewildered but seemed to be a lot calmer. Yet, he still held the same tint of curiosity he had when he had asked me why I was here, "Why are you up?"

"Had a nightmare... It's nothing," I shrugged it off, "How much longer is your work going to take..." My voice was barely above a whisper.

"Just a few minutes... You had a nightmare?" He asked, his eyes softening.

I shook my head, "I'm getting myself a drink and most probably a snack," I informed, looking away from him, "You should be done by then."

Zane only sighed and nodded his head as I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

Zane flinched as the door slammed shut. Y/n was mad, wasn't she? He hadn't ever seen Y/n like this, He had never got her mad.

Didn't she say she had a nightmare? Zane wondered if she was alright, Y/n always let her emotions take a toll on her. He was getting worried, yet he sighed, hung his head low, and turned back to his pc. Zane was tired. He was so tired he couldn't bear to look at the bright screen, he lowered the brightness. How did he not even realize how tired he had been until now?

He got back to work, hoping to be quick.



I saw light coming from the small gap under the door and quietly tip-toed over to it. I peeked through the slightly open door. 

He was sitting on his desk, working and/or emailing stuff to whoever, however. 

But if daddy was up, where was mommy? 

My eyes wandered around the room, finally landing on the bed, where I saw her. She was positioned in a sitting positioned, yet her head drooped forward signaling she was asleep. 

Tears pooled my eyes. This wasn't the first time I had caught them like that, I usually found mom in different positions, in different places in the room, just waiting for daddy to finish...

 I rushed back to my room, forcefully opening the door and ending up on the floor before scrambling for my alarm clock.

4:35 am.

I wiped off any visible tears and walked back to my parents' room and gently pulled at my dad's shirt sleeve. He immediately turned to look at me, his eyes slightly wide.

"It's 4 am daddy... Mommy fell asleep..." I mumbled while looking at the floor. 

Don't cry again...

Just don't...

Keep yourself together...




I sighed. Now's not the time to think about that. 

I walk up the stairs towards Zane's room and stop at the handle.

Keep your head up and don't break down, ok?

Why him? (A Zane Ro'meave X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now