Chapter five

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Tobi's POV

I noticed a tear escaped my eyes. I made a promise to myself never to narrate this tragic story again. I broke it. I tried so hard to forget it, but the nightmares kept coming and making it fresh in my memory all over again. I was now used to the nightmares, I was used to not having to tell anyone this story. But, something about this girl in front of me made me feel safer, like I could trust her. I felt warm around her, like she was my family. I didn't tell her this story to make her feel pity for me, I hated pity. I told her this story so that maybe she could know me better and feel a little bit more comfortable around me, like I felt around her. I looked up to face her, and noticed her staring at me. She had that face, that face they all make whenever they heard my story. I didn't like that face. I hated that I put it there. I get I'm a sad freak but do I have to make everyone around me sad too? I couldn't stand her feeling that way because of me. Besides, I didn't ask for her pity, I don't want it.

I blinked to prevent any more tears from falling. I reached for the door that was not up to five meters away from me and left the house. I shut it hard behind me, I don't know why though. I was walking so fast that I was almost running. I didn't turn back, I only kept walking forward.

I almost passed Julian's house, but had turned back to see if she was at home. I rang the doorbell and waited for Julian to answer. But of course her mum had to be the one to answer it. Mrs Gavin, the woman who had different male visitors every night. The most interesting part is that most of them were around my age. But it was quite shocking because it was just months ago she got a divorce. Mrs Gavin and I despised each other, sometimes we didn't hide it. She had told her daughter multiple times to stay away from me. But with how fake she was, I was sure to expect a warm welcome everytime I showed up at her front door.

"Hey dear how are you doing?" She said with a wide smile that anyone could tell was fake.

"Cut the crap, is Julian at home?"

"No get lost" she rolled her eyes and scoffed before shutting the door. Well I knew that pretence couldn't last for long.

With how crazy I was, I began to call Julian. At the top of my voice, I shouted her name, and even throwing tiny rocks at her window hoping for her to hear me, as I really needed to talk to her urgently.

"You son of a- I'm calling the cops." Mrs Gavin yelled while coming out of her house and dailing a number. I heard my phone ring and I took it out from my back pocket. Julian's name covered the screen. I quickly answered the call.

"Heyy Where are you, I really-"

"J-Josh is d-d-dead, he-he's gone T-Tobi. He's g-gone" she said, sobbing and then hung up the phone.


I reached my best friend's house. On the sight of it I cringed. The house looked like when I saw it yesterday, except there wasn't clustered police vehicles, and the sound of sirens echoing in my ear. I looked for Julian in the midst of the crowd. I was stopped by a police officer who said I couldn't go any closer to the crime scene.

"The crime happened inside the damn house and not outside!" I shouted at the cop. I just wanted to find my friend so bad and he was sort of getting in the way. Just then did I realize what I had said. I looked at the police officer who looked at me skeptically. He was about to say something when Julian called me from behind. I was so glad she found me at that exact moment. I went over to her and looked over my shoulder to see the police officer preoccupied with another officer. I turned to face a very distressed Julian. I never saw her that way before. Julian was usually vibrant and wild, but she had just lost her longtime best friend so what was I expecting.

"It's going to be ok Jules". I tried to console her.

"It's not though. I could've prevented all this from happening. I saw his text late, I didn't know he was in trouble." She sobbed

"What text? What text Jules?"

"He could've still been alive if I came earlier" she continued to sob

"Jules what text?" I was getting curious now. I just needed to get her attention back to me so that she could answer my question.

"He uh sent me a text message yesterday that said 'he's dangerous, help' . I didn't know who he was talking about or why he texted me that late at night, but I did come to help him. I drove as fast as I could, but when I arrived it was too late, he was already gone Tobi."

"I remember something. As I was arriving his house, from afar I saw someone hurriedly stumbling out of his house. I didn't bother chasing that person because Josh was in trouble but when I went outside after I called the cops I didn't see the person anywhere. Who do you think that could've been? He could be the one who killed Josh.

I echoed in my head, 𝘐𝘛 𝘞𝘈𝘚 𝘔𝘌, 𝘐 𝘞𝘈𝘚 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘖𝘕𝘌 𝘞𝘏𝘖𝘔 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘚𝘈𝘞 𝘚𝘛𝘜𝘔𝘉𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘖𝘜𝘛 𝘖𝘍 𝘏𝘐𝘚 𝘏𝘖𝘜𝘚𝘌, 𝘐𝘛 𝘞𝘈𝘚 𝘔𝘌 𝘑𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘈𝘕 , 𝘐 𝘒𝘐𝘓𝘓𝘌𝘋 𝘑𝘖𝘚𝘏 . I wished she could hear it and at the same time glad she couldn't. I wanted the burden I felt in my chest to all go away. I'm a horrible person. A murderer.


Cliff hanger or neh?..
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