Chapter 17

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"Re we're go- Re, what are you doing?"

Remus looked up from underneath the fort he'd made out of bedsheets. "Hiding."


"I'm not going out there. I'm not facing Blondie."

Roman rolled his eyes and grabbed his twins hand, dragging him through the pillow fort. "Come on, you dipshit. Janus doesn't even know you tried asking him out last night because you didn't send the text. Come on, we're the Queen twins. And what do the Queen twins never do?"

"They never give up." Remus mumbled, scrambling to his feet. "But I really don't know, Ro. This is-"

"If you say that this is different, I will slap you." Roman said, pulling a glove down slightly to prove a point. Remus recoiled slightly and sighed.

"Okay fine. It's not 'different' it's just more difficult. I've never liked a guy like Blondie before."

"Well of course you haven't, there are no guys like Janus on the Isle."

"Hey." Remus said, with the air of someone who had just realised something. "You've been trying to get me to ask Blondie out but what about Virgil? You wanna climb higher up Auridon hierarchy or some shit and you said you were gonna use Virgil. You changed your mind or something?"

Let's go, we're late." Roman said, turning on his heel and striding out of the dorm door.

"So now that all guys, gals and non-binary pals are in attendance, I thought we could have a special club meeting for this week."

"You mean Family Day?" Dianna asked.

"Uh, yes."

Both the Ababwa twins groaned. "Mum's not gonna be happy that I haven't stopped stealing." Dianna said.

"And dad's gonna make it so much harder to come out this year."

"You aren't out?" Roman asked, surprised. Dianna and Jamie glared at him.

"Yeah, so?" Dianna asked defensively.

"It's not like that, it's just we thought that the people of Auridon were more accepting than on the Isle. I'm just surprised you don't feel safe coming out."

"It's not that we don't feel safe-"

"-It's just hard to bring up in conversation."

"Pairs of twins, please be quiet." Virgil said. "Now, even if your family doesn't accept you, Auridon High and we here still do. So you don't need to be scared with us or defensive with us, do you?" Virgil asked pointedly. "Do you?" He repeated.


"Guess not."

"Good. Now, Jamie and Dianna, it is completely up to you when you come out-"

"And if your parent's don't accept you, I know a guy or three that'll sort that out." Mina cut in.


"What? They're my mum's friends. From when she fought-"

"Mina." Virgil repeated, louder. "That isn't an appropriate response to talking about someone's parents."

Mina crossed her arms and slumped down in her chair. "It seemed appropriate to me." She muttered, making Remus laugh. Sunny cleared her throat slightly.

"Are you two not out to your mum?" She asked tentatively, pointing at Remus and Roman.

"Sunny, you can't just ask people that." Nancy hissed.

"It's fine, Nancy." Roman said before turning to Sunny. "No, we're not."

"Mother's pretty homopho-"

"Traditional." Roman cut in quickly. "Traditional. So neither of us ever really... brought it up."

No one spoke for a little while until Mina sat up straighter in her chair and pointed at Remus and Roman.

"Okay, can I beat their mum up?"

Remus tugged on Roman's sleeve.

"Do we have to be here?" He asked, looking around the grounds at all the princes and princesses. "Our mum's stuck on the Isle, we don't have to be here."

"Look, there's Janus now." Roman said, giving his brother a push. Remus glared at Roman.

"There is no way in Hell I am talking to-"

"Hi guys."

"Hey Blondie." Remus said, grinning. Roman laughed.

"Hi Janus." He said. Janus was looking from brother to brother, confused.

"I don't know what I've missed but whatever. I want you guys to meet my mum and dad. So you can get used to being my friends."

"Oh, we can't." Roman said quickly.

"Why not?" Janus asked, confused.

Roman motioned from himself to his brother. "Not exactly what your parents would be too happy with, are we? I mean, we know the kid of the person who nearly killed your mum and killed your dad for a short time. Also-"

"We just don't honestly want to. We don't like parents." Remus jumped in. Roman closed his eyes and sighed.

"Such help, Re. Thank you for that."

"Oh, well, okay." Janus said. "I'll see you around, yeah?"


"Bye." Roman said, smiling before turning to Remus. "Coward."

"What? You expected me to ask him just like that?"

"Well yes."

"You cannot just ask someone out in the middle of a damn conversation."

"Why not?"

"Because this is Auridon! Things are-"

"Um, excuse me?" Roman and Remus both turned their heads to look at a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Are you, um, Roman and Remus Queen?"

"Yes. Why?" Roman asked slowly.

"I'm Daniel's mum. Well, I was." She said before smiling at twins. "I'm Cinderella. I just wanted to apologise for my son's behaviour. He's not normally like that. Well, not when he's living with me. But he lives with his father most of the time, I guess that's where he gets it from."

"You divorced Prince Charming?" Remus asked, receiving an elbow to the side from his brother. Cinderella shrugged.

"Yep. Anyway, I just wanted to apologise. I've never had anything against 'villains', I forgave my stepmother and sisters a long time ago. It's Kit who's always had a problem with people like your parents. I guess that's where Daniel gets it from."

"It's really fine, you don't need to apologise." Roman said quickly. "Daniel got what he deserved-" This time Remus elbowed Roman. "And we're both really fine."

"Well, if you're sure."

"Really." Remus repeated. Cinderella nodded and walked away.

"Oh dear God, that was awkward." Roman said once Cinderella was out of earshot.

"Inside?" Remus asked.


This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween! Happy Halloween, everyone, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I thought it was quite fun.

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