Chapter 1 - "Ohayo gozaimasu Y/N"

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You know I never really thought that I would ever be a volleyball manager for my high-school, or even be a manager of any sort. But you know how life is. Always throwing unexpected things at you, and you're never ready, nor will you ever is what it is.


*BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP...BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP...* *tap* As usual the sound of the basic Samsung ring tone woke you up. Dang, I need to change that ringtone to Literally anything else. You thought to yourself. As you got up you feel your body ache from yesterday's volleyball practice. You wouldn't really call it practice though, more like helping the boys out when they needed an extra partner or when they needed an extra pair of hands to help clean up, something simple like that. You make your way to your bathroom only to be met with a bed head, dried drool coming from the side of its mouth, groggy morning face starring right back at you in the mirror. "Haha I wonder why men don't approach me!", you jokingly say to yourself .
You got dressed and headed downstairs to get a single slice of Brioche bread for breakfast. Both of your parents leave to go to work early in the morning so you have the whole house to yourself really. When you finish packing everything you need for school you give a long and loud sigh, (practically yelling at this point) and head out the door.

"OHAYO Gozaimasu Y/N!!!!!" You see in the distance a small Orange haired boy running, actually let me rephrase that...a short orange haired shrimp Sprinting towards you. "Ahh, morning Shrimp." You say in response. "You know I don't usually let people call me that😑" Hinata responds. "Well I'm honored my king, thank you for this privilege that you have bestowed upon me." You say sarcastically. "You know sometimes I don't understand half of the words you are saying." Hinata barks. You then  both part ways and head to your first class.

My little Magician Kageyama x Reader (team manager)Where stories live. Discover now