"Do you need somthing?"

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¤{Time skip to the end of school} ¤

Ok, now all I have to do for the day is Volleyball club, you thought to yourself. It was probably the most physically draining activity of the day, but overall it was enjoyable . As you walked over to the gym you turned your head to see probably your favorite senior, Sugawara-san. "Hey Y/N!! Wanna walk to the gym together?" "haha, no." you said sternly. It was funny how Suga's smile can immediately turn into a frown. "Haha kidding, kidding. How could I ever turn down an offer like that." You guys liked to tease each other. In a way, he felt like an older brother to you. He gave you a little punch on the shoulder for making him worried and sad for a split second. "Respect your elders, you had me worried there", "ha, OK grandpa" you remarked. "Hey, we're not even that far apart in age!" He said. "SuuUuuUre, anyways, did you see my Island on Animal Crossing! I added some really cute flowers on the side of my house...and possibly a giant Godzilla statue in front of my garden...who knows." You said happily. "Of course you put a giant Godzilla statue, it was only a matter of time until you did, honestly~" Suga said lazily. "Shut up Suga, I'm not predictable!" You barked.
After walking and talking about Animal Crossing you two finally made it to the gym. You were usually the first ones to arrive, the only people who would be there already would be Kiyoko and Kageyama. (I know Hinata and Kags usually show up @ the same time, but for the sake of the story let's just say Kags is one of the first people there!)
"Oh, hey Y/N!" Kiyoko said. You looked over to see her sitting on the benches folding some towels that were just washed.
"Oh uh, good afternoon. Need some help folding?" you asked.
"Oh hey, that sounds great, come sit over here!"
She reluctantly said. As you started folding you saw Sugawara-san stretching off to the side, but something caught your eye.
"Huh, I never realized I'm not that close with Kageyama yet, or at least I haven't even had a conversation with him."
Sure you would hand him a towel or water bottle during any type of practice, but you never talked during those interactions.
Kiyoko turns her head over to the black haired boy who was practicing sets over by the net.
"Yeah, now that I realize it. Odd.. if Tsukkishima talks to you then that means something right? What I mean is if you can get our Tsukki to talk to you then you can basically talk with anyone."
Kiyoko smiles at you for a second then gets back to folding.
"You think so? Hmm, maybe I'll try and talk to him today or somthing. Invite him for dinner, lunch or something you know? Honestly, I don't really know what to do... I just want to be a good future manager ya' know."
"Hmm, yeah that sounds good! Knowing him, he would never pass on an opportunity to go and eat somewhere. Especially at that small all you can eat Korean style BBQ place. You should take him there!"
"Ah! that's a start, thanks Kiyoko-san! At least I have a place to take him."  "Anytime!" She happily says.
When you guys finished folding the rest of the boys showed up for practice.
"Hey everyone!" You say to them.

°~time skip to the end of practive , brought to you by Flex Tape(IDK what im saying)~°•

You guys finished practice early so you thought this was a great opportunity to take Kageyama to lunch. You waited for most of the guys to leave before asking him. You knew he stays for about 1 to 2 more hours just practicing, so you had some time. After about an hour of him practicing and you cleaning and getting stuff ready for the boy's next session, you thought it was about time to ask him. At this point it was just you and him at the gym, everybody has left at that point. You hesitantly walk over to the unfamiliar boy.
You say.
"Do you need somthing?"
He says in a little harsh tone. You understood that he was most likely tired and didn't want to talk right now but when would be a better time to do it?
"I saw you play out there, you're really good!"
No response...
Ok I'll bet he'll respond to this then...
"Although, sometimes I can see you get stiff or freeze up a little when you're playing and it causes slow reaction time. Maybe you should loosen up a bit more. Trust your teammates, they've got your back!"
He already looked up at you when you said although.
"I- why don't you try playing out there then!"
He had to admit your advice wasn't wrong, but hearing it from you felt wrong.
"Ok, that sounds like fun!"
You happily say. He looked at you a bit shocked.
"Wai- Really?"
"Yeah! I used to play back at my old school, stuff happened and..."
You remember all the things that happened, you didn't want to, not right now not here.
"Anyways enough about me. Let's Get Playing!"
You take off your sweater and underneath is just a tang top. You see Kageyama turn his head for...somthing I dont know.
"Let's start!"
You toss the ball high up, jump, and slam it to the ground. Kags stood there in shock.
"Woo-hoo one poiiint~ yeah!"
You say excitedly.
"I- how did...wha-?"
"I told you you gotta loosen up man or else you'll have a slow reaction time~"
"How did you do...that?"
He says in shock.
"Oh did I not tell you guys, I used to be a vice captain at my old school??" You say happily.
"Anyways you can serve, I feel bad~~~" you say teasingly.
"Shut up.."
He says.
He throws the ball up and does a simple serve. You casually bump the ball back up and set yourself up to try and spike it. You try but he blocks and the ball falls to your side.
you dryly say.
You guys play until sundown. But all of a sudden you ankle decides to start aching. You had a past injury before and sometimes out of nowhere it will start to hurt uncontrollably.
Kageyama drops the ball and looks at you.
"Whats wrong?"
He walks over to you.
"Ah, I just have a foot injury is all, we should be good to go let me just get up and-"
You fall right back down and sigh.
"We can keep playing let me just get u-"
He said.
"No, I'm not letting you play like this. I refuse to play against someone who just got injured or is unable to play normally."
He said sternly.
Shoot now's my chance to ask him for dinner!!!
"Uggh fine....wanna grab dinner together??"
You stare at him.
"Wha- your leg is literally injured and this is.. you know what sure."
He says while walking to get his things packed.
Yes! You thought finally some time to get to know him and whatever stuff he does besides volleyball!! You always loved spending time bonding with your teammates.

...so hey how's it going.....guys??
Sorry sorry sorry for not like......posting in years DECADES, DYNASTYS EVEN!! N e ways I just wanted to say sorry for not posting ummm also I MIGHT post something for my bnha fic but idk. Depends on how I'm feeling soo yee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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