"Come here kitty!"

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______________________~M/N POV~_______
I backed up as he walked to up to me. I hit a wall. He put both hands on each side of me so I couldn't move. He smirked victoriously at me. He leaned closer to my face as my face turned a brighter red. He stared into my eye. He leaned closer, now we were at kissing distance.
"You loose~" He said teasing me. I looked away. He leaned closer to my neck. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I could feel him smiling. My face turned a very bright red when I felt his warm hand on my waist.
"FINE YOU WIN!" I shouted as I covered my face with my hands.
"That's what I thought~" he giggles as he grabbed my waist and lifted me up.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I wriggled trying to escape.
"No I'm good" he laughed I stopped moving and let him carry me because he was stronger than me. I see George at the sliding door smirking.
"I knew dream was gay, but I never knew you were M/N" George laughed
"Shut up!" I growled. Dream carried me inside and sat down on the couch with me next to him
"Do you have a kitten?" Nick said peaking his head out the door.
"Yeah" I said stuck on the couch by Clays arm
"Clay can you let go of him, he needs to help me get the kitten out from under the bed" Clay sighed and let go of me.
"Finally" I said a bit more harshly then I wanted to but I got up and walked into Nicks room. The walls were grey and his desk up against the wall. I walked over to the bed and crouched down.
"Come here kitty" I said softly "come here Toby" i sat up now crouching. A small ginger kitten walked out from under the bed. I put my arm out and he climbed up my arm on to my shoulder and sits down.
"Ow" Clay says looking at the kitten clawing my shoulder blade.
"Doesn't that hurt?" George said rubbing his arm.
"How!?" Nick said confused.
"What?" I looked confused
"YOUR NOT WERING A SHIRT!" They said in unison.
"Ohhh" I laughed "no it doesn't hurt" I said getting up from the floor.
"HOW?!" They looked at me confused. I walked past them and went in my room, leaving the door open. I sat down on the bed. Toby climbed onto my chest as I lied down. I shut my eyes and put my arms behind my head with the little kitten curled up next to me. A few seconds later I hear the door shut and foot steps. Toby tensed up. I move my hand to pat him to calm him down.
"Your awake!" Clay whispered.
"What's the time?" I said as I got up fixing the bed.
He pulls out his phone. "It's 12"
"I'm gonna sleep on the couch" I picked up the kitten and walked into the lounge room.
"Night" I lied down on the couch.
"Night." I heard Clay say softly through the door. I was just laying there staring at the ceiling. No noise. No movement. Just silence.
'What if there using me?' 'What if they don't like me?' 'They gonna leave me like everyone else'
I started to overthink. I felt panicked setting in. I sat up as tears fell down my face. I let out a small whimper. I got up and grabbed my hoodie that was on the couch and put it on. I walked over to the kitchen and turned on the stove light. I sat on the kitchen island and looked out the window as tears fall down my cheeks.
"What is wrong with me?" I whispered as I watch my legs sway. "I'm useless" "why do they want to stay with me?" I whimpered quietly as tears fell onto my shorts. I Looked up at the window, but everything is getting blurry. I hear a door move so I get off the counter and hide behind it so they wouldn't see me. I hear Nick say something.
"Pssst Clay!" Nick whispered
"Nick shut up!" George whispered aggressively
"Where's M/N?" Clay said leaving his room. (I guess by the sound of the door).
"That's why I woke you up"Nick now spoke in a normal but quiet voice. I lifted my hoodie over my head and buried my face in my arms. 'Nononono! Stop crying! STOP!' I whimpered a little, it only cause me to cry more.
"Did you hear that?" Clay said
"Yeah" George said yawning.
"What?" Nick sounded confused. I heard foot steps come over to me.
"M/n?" Clay said in a soft voice. I didn't answer. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

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