Day 1 at the hospital

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M/n's POV
"Alright then" I giggled.
I turned around in his arms and hugged him back. I nuzzled his neck and took a deep breath, his smell was calming and safe. I smiled and closed my eyes.
"Are you asleep?" Clay said looking down at me confused.
"No just bored"
"When can you leave?" George chimed in.
"In 2 days" I whined
"But I want cuddles" Clay pouted.
"I know" I said mimicking his whine.
I feel someone join the hug from the back, wrapping their arms around me and nuzzle my neck.
"Hi" I said leaning my head back onto the other person.
"Hi" George mumbled into my neck.
He took a deep breath in and then out. I closed my eyes and lean on George's head. We stood there for a second, until I remembered.
"Where's Nathan" my head shot up and my body went stiff.
Clay and George stepped back at my sudden panic.
"Calm down m/n he's on the couch in the corner of the room" Clay pointed to Nathan.
I took a deep breath and calmed down. I walked over to Nathan.
"Hey.. Nathan" I whispered softly.
"M/n...?" Nathan mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah buddy" I smiled.
"M/N!"  He jumped into my arms giving me a big hug.
"Hey" I laughed.
"You scared me" he frowned.
"Yeah I know I'm sorry" I smiled.
"I'm just happy your okay" he smiled. "Can we go home now?"
"I have to stay here for 2 days" I said standing up.
"Why" he whined.
"Because they want to keep an eye on me" I said walking back over to my bed.
Nathan frowned.
"But we can keep an eye on you" he gave me puppy eyes.
"It's not my choice" I laughed.
I sat down on the bed with my legs hanging over the side.
"Are you Mr L/n" a nurse said peeking his head through the door.
"Yes that's me" I said looking at him.
"I'm here to do your check up" he smiled as he walked in with a clipboard in his hand and a pen in the other.
I nodded. He walked over to me and pulled the fold out chair from against the wall and sat down.
"May youse please leave" he smiled
"Can I stay please?" Clay mumbled.
"Of course but everyone else must go" he smiled.
Everyone left the room but The doctor, Clay and I. Clay sat next to me.
"How has you eye sight and breathing been?" He asked.
"Fine" I said simply.
"Any problems at all?"
"No...." I thought "well when George and Nick tackle me onto the bed that kinda hurt"
"Okay.." he wrote something down on his pad and thought.
Clay grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. he wrapped his arms around my waist and Nuzzled my neck causing me to giggle a bit. The doctor looked up at us confused.
"mine~" Clay mumbled into my neck.
"i know" i laughed.
"umm.." the doctor hummed.
"Sorry" i haft giggled because clay kiss my neck.
"its okay. its cute seeing such a caring and passionate couple" he smiled.
After the check up thing :)
Sorry that this chapter didnt come sooner i had no ideas for what to write but i tried my best but. have a great day/night/noon/morning ✨😚✌️

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